Bees create Propolis by collecting a resinous sap from trees. Certain trees, such as poplar, willow, horse chestnut and birch, exude a sap which has antibiotic qualities to protect that tree from infection. Bees gather this sap, remetabolize it with their own nectar secretions, and take it back to the hive.
Many scientists believe a hive to be more sterile and free from bacteria than a modern hospital. Tree antibiotic became a bee antibiotic and was hence named 'Propolis' by the ancient Greeks. Translated, Propolis means 'before the city', or 'a defense'. It is an exceedingly complex mixture containing a rich variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, as well as potent terpenes, benzoic, caffeic, cinnamic and phenolic acids, and flavonids. It is believed that the flavonoids contained in Propolis block the release of histamine by means of cell membrane lipid stabilization. This creates inner immunity against many illnesses.
Much research has been carried out into its use and benefits. Most significantly it has been linked to the prevention of colon cancer and use as a natural antibiotic. Professor S. Scheller, the head of a team of four doctors at the Institute for Microbiology at the Medical Academy in Poland found that Propolis is able to stimulate the immune system. It stimulates the formation of antibodies to build body resistance to many diseases. It also helps the body in releasing substance against cellular deterioration. He also concluded that other Propolis health benefits may include improved physical, intellectual and sexual performance and the ability to make injured tissue heal faster. The study also concluded that Propolis is non toxic. The evidence that it heals injured tissue faster can be seen directly in the treatment of burns. Research has shown that it effectively reduces inflammation, stimulates enzyme systems, cell metabolism, circulation, collagen formation and improved healing.
Another amazing quality of Propolis is that it can also fight against viruses such as upper respiratory infections caused by the common cold and influenza viruses (Focht J, Arzneimittel-Forschung, Aug. 1993; 43:921-3) which antibiotics cannot. It has also been successfully used to increase fertility in women, as a potential cancer drug, in dental care, liver protection and reduction of bowel problems.
Natural Propolis has been used for centuries. Evidence dates as far back as the ancient Egyptians using it internally and externally as an antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic formula to bring relief for many skin and body ailments. Spiezia have harnessed this natural formula and created Organic Propolis Ointment which is available at buyOrganics to provide relief for cracked skin, spots, skin rashes, sever eczema, boils and other skin problems. - The Organic Lifestyle store
As buyOrganics adds Eselle Organics, the latest Soil Association certified men’s skin care line to its on-line store, Sonia Kalia-Sagoo examines the serious issues behind the surge in interest in organic skin care for men. Firstly, contrary to popular belief, organic skin care is not about men who like to wear cream, hug trees or eat quiche…. You shave don’t you? You wash your hair and use deodorant (hopefully!). What about hair gel and aftershave? Then this article is for you … read on!
From toothpaste to skin creams, shaving foams, deodorants and hair gels, right through to hair dyes, aftershaves and shampoos, men are putting more and more different products onto and into their bodies on a daily basis. Whilst the average woman uses 12 different toiletry products per day, applying over 175 chemical compounds to her body, the average man applies a little less than this, but with men’s skincare a rapidly growing market, they are fast catching up with some men using a great deal more.
Whilst anti-smoking remedies such as nicotine patches flag up the fact that 60 per cent of what we put onto our skin is absorbed into our bloodstreams, the connection between this and the slathering of face, hair and body with lotions and potions on a daily basis seems to go unheeded. According to US action lobby the Environmental Working Group (EWG), there are ten particularly toxic substances found in skin care products which should be avoided at all costs. Whilst legislation is a little tighter in the EU, with on-line shopping booming, these days international boundaries are no barrier to people obtaining products from overseas, meaning that men can be exposed to suspect ingredients in their favourite products without being aware. Studies have shown that harmful ingredients in everyday products can cause cancers, affect fertility and certain “gender bending” toxins can affect hormones and have even been linked to feminisation of baby boys eg. breast growth. For the record, the ten ingredients you really should avoid are: Placenta (used in some specialized conditioners), Mercury, Lead (one of the ingredients in men’s hair colouring range Grecian for example), fragrance (yes! you may smell nice but fragrance one of the top five allergens in the world and really worth avoiding unless you pick unfragranced or organic products which contain essential oils instead), animal parts (shaving creams can contain tallow, which when sourced from mink and emu can be particularly hazardous, not to mention stomach-turning), hydroquinine (a skin lightening chemical), nanoparticles (increasingly added to suncreams and skincare products, both of which are used by men), phthalates (widely used in fragranced products and of particular concern to men, as phthalates have been intimated in sperm damage and hormone problems in males), and last but certainly not least, petroleum products including petroleum waste (coal tar), often used in scalp treatments such as anti-dandruff shampoos – which are targeted towards men.
But guys, don’t worry – you don’t have to look forward to a lifetime of scraggly hair, bushy beards and dodgy skin – help is at hand! Organic men’s grooming and personal care products are the ideal solution – not just for the male skin but also the environment, as organic ingredients are grown, harvested and produced with respect for nature and without pesticides, fertilizers or genetic modification. More and more brands are becoming available – such as Miessence, Spiezia, Earthbound Organics, EcoSopia, Green People and a new totally organic and paraben-free range of specialist products just for men, Eyre Biobotanics – all of which have been carefully chosen for specialist UK organic on-line store buyOrganics ( Recent additions to this store, Eselle Organics and Raw Gaia, both use only organically grown ingredients – which may sound a bit of a faff but honestly are made from cold pressed techniques which maintain the high antioxidant levels of the raw ingredients that make your skin and hair healthy from the inside out but not have any adverse affects which other man-made chemicals are suspected of.
Natural and organic creams and oils in men’s skin care ranges are particularly important in shaving and aftershave products, as they can dramatically help reduce the traumas often associated with shaving, such as rashes, nicks and ingrown hairs. For example, Miessence includes aloe vera, safflower and guar in their shaving range; Eyre Biobotanics uses lemon myrtle which protects against razor burn. Using a balm rather than an astringent after shaving is highly recommended – not just because of the toxic ingredients found in regular splash-ons, but because an organic balm will soothe an refresh rather than sting and cause inflammation. Miessence’s after shave balm contains organic witch hazel and chamomile, naturally soothing and without any hidden toxins.
Organic men’s skin care products certainly have the ingredients to do a better job than their non-organic counterparts, which is great news for men’s bodies inside and outside – and the ranges available are packaged just as attractively for a male audience – meaning they are a welcome addition to any man’s bathroom shelf, not just for his skin and well-being, but the environment as a whole. - Think Organic...buyOrganics. The Organic Lifestyle Store.
Well Christmas is over and expecting parents will have nothing more on their mind than preparing their home and creating a safe, friendly and inviting nursery for baby. Increasingly for many people the choices that will top the list are natural and organic products and accessories.
In fact statistics show that most people turn to green and eco friendly products, organic foods, and organic and natural cosmetics and toiletries during pregnancy. It is the time that your child is most vulnerable and needs the greatest care from all the toxins that surround us.
From organic cot mattresses to green natural paint, this is the time when buyOrganics finds that most people are buying organic paints and bed linens, organic cot mattresses and natural paints for their much awaited babys' nursery. So here’s a little low down on what to buy.
The Organic verses Non Organic Cot Mattress debate
The biggest must have is an organic cot mattress! The reason to buy an Organic cot mattress for your new baby is Chemicals! Some of the materials used to make synthetic mattresses include: Bromulated flame retardants, polyurethane, foam, polyester, plastic, and formaldehyde. Most of these are petrochemical based. Alan Greene, author of 'Raising Baby Green: The Earth-Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care', stresses that your baby will sleep on their mattress for more than 12 hours a day "The first thing I would choose is an organic cot mattress because a baby's face is so close to the mattress all day." It’s a must have item.
Abaca’s Organic cot mattresses are not only free of chemicals, but also certified organic by the Soil Association and made in Wales, thereby keeping travelling miles down to a minimum. The Abaca cot mattress is buyOrganics best selling cot mattress and the best choice for baby and are completely fire safety approved.
Organic cotton bedding, blankets, and sheets are preferable again as babies face and body is often closest to the bedding also. Organic cotton bedding will not carry any pesticide residues and any Azo dyes which may cause allergies.
Greene also suggests using low volatile oil paints or something that doesn’t have a lot of solvents in it. Organic paint is a near impossible creation, however buy Organics recommends using Auro natural paints. Auro natural paints are based on natural ingredients and plant and mineral pigments. Their use of natural and plant based ingredients means that allergy sufferers and people who are chemically sensitive are more able to tolerate Auro products. Greene suggests
"If there's construction going on in your house, mothers-to-be should probably move out during that time," he said. "Also, use low-volatile oil content paints. The paint doesn't have as much solvents, it's easy to find, and it’s only about five percent more expensive than regular paint."
buyOrganics sell the complete range of Auro colours for whatever shade you wish to paint babies room.
Many flat pack ranges of furniture tend to have high levels of Formaldehyde within them due to the bonding process used to create the panels. Wherever possible choose real wood furniture opposed to flat pack chipboard type stuff. Thankfully most baby furniture is made of wood. Also watch out for the FSC trade mark which is a popular symbol indicating that the wood is from sustainable sources.
Carpet can harbour a lot of nasties. Although it may make the room feel nice and cosy, the truth is it is a safe house for the dust mite and other mites increasing the chance of allergies. If you must have carpet go for a pure wool one not a nylon or propylene based one which is 100% synthetic and made of nothing but chemicals. Wood floors, preferably FSC approved are the best choice followed by natural fibres.
Finally grab a cup of Peppermint tea (to get rid of that quesy tummy)...and relax and wait!! - Think Organic...buyOrganics. The Organic Lifestyle Store.