Sounds hooky, but doesn’t it seem like the whole world is changing?
It feels like Barack Obama has entered the world stage just at a point when people wanted to hear his message. The false economy, the focus on all the wrong things, is life changing immeasurably for you? It may be good, or it may be bad, but one thing is for sure, if you have ever wished for change then consider it on its way for sure. I feel like we have to go through this enforced world detox, to make things better!
Many people, me included, have spent endless hours working and doing our bit to make a difference in this world, and for the most part it has always gone unnoticed. My last blog on Mamma Mia highlighted how the most prosperous individuals make massive change by putting power and money behind their cause, not everyone notices. This power and wealth is not something we can all lay claim to, but as a collective we make a massive difference, when we’re all moving in one direction the impetus is powerful, forceful and inclusive.
I’m inspired that Barack Obama is more willing to make choices and decisions to help protect our ecology and environment. His powerful words on the environment give me solace that for once, maybe this time, America has elected an intelligent man.
The video above is a great eye opener on his stance on the need for action to help the enviroment.
Instead of concentrating on all the problems, if we focus on the good will and good works being done by others, take time to celebrate them and take new inspired energy for them, get behind the causes and support them, pat ourselves on the back once in a while also for doing our best in the way we shop, live, recycle or do business, then I think the whole world will look Greener and brighter!
Despite months of slathering on creams, protective serums, blocks and foundations to shield our skin from the harsh winter elements, all of us are no doubt desperate to get back to the fresh, sun-kissed glow that is now just a memory from last year’s summer holiday….
It’s not always about what you put onto your skin however – as we are all aware, most skincare products contain mind-bogglingly long lists of ingredients, many of which are synthetic and quite possibly harmful when absorbed into the skin and bloodstream, building up to cause allergies, irritancy and even disease.
Organic skincare is the perfect solution – and buyOrganics' range of carefully selected skincare products will set you up for the spring – sloughing off the winter and protecting new skin so you’re ready to face the world again! Two of buyOrganics’ ranges are perfect to ease this transformation – and expert advisors from both Essential Care and Organic Apoteke have some great tips and advice as well.
Margaret Weeds of quality, affordable organic range Essential Care says, “The skin is the largest elimination organ of the body, so using chemical-free skincare products all year round will reduce toxic load, but in order to slough off the winter from our skins, improving sluggish circulations, focusing on exfoliation and extra moisturisation with vitamin-rich plant oil products will pay dividends.”
Margaret suggests using the Essential Care Tea Tree & Green Clay organic soap or their Honey & Oatmeal facial bar to gentle exfoliate the face, and to use a fine scrub mitt, brush or loofah with any of their soaps, for the rest of the body. Splash on cold water to boost circulation and close pores the natural way.
Cleanse with an Essential Care organic cleanser, followed by Rose Petal or Citrus Tonic to gently tone the skin without stripping or irritation. Says Margaret, “For a fantastic glow and vitamin boost I strongly recommend finishing with a couple of drops of Organic Superfruit Concentrate.”
Left with dry, flaky or chapped skin from the cold, wind and central heating? Essential Care’s Ultra Rich Balm is economical and multitasking, suitable for use anywhere on the body. For particularly badly cracked hands or heels, and even according to customer feedback, psoriasis, use their Calendula Balm.
If you aren’t fussed about the pennies, then luxury organic skin care range Organic Apoteke offers several products which are pure pampering heaven – indulge in one or two special organic skincare treats from the range in addition to your everyday cheaper products for perfect skin which won’t cost the earth.
Dr Nitasha Buldeo, creator of the Organic Apoteke range, also offers a simple and fun weekend detox plan to get the whole body, inside and out, ready to face the world again. As well as drinking plenty of water, avoiding dairy, fried foods, preservatives and carbonated drinks, she particularly recommends the following Organic Apoteke products for glowing, toxin-free skin: for the face, Active Face Cleanse Gel and Active Herbal Toner, moisturise with their Active Face Hydrating Gel and even have a go with the super cleansing Detox Face Mask. Use the Organic Apoteke Body Cleanse Gel and Body Hydrate Oil both in Sicilian Orange & Mandarin to cleanse and moisturise the body.
Put the Spring back into your skin now!
With new reports becoming apparent about the link of mouthwash with oral cancer, there will be an alarming number of people affected. Many people religiously use various mouthwashes as part of their dental routine. But as highlighted in the Telegraph’s news story on the 13th of Jan, the alcohol in mouthwashes can break down to produce a dangerous carcinogen called acetaldehyde.
This remains within the oral cavity, making the mouths lining more permeable to chemicals such as nicotine (even more bad news for smokers) as well as contributing directly to an increased risk of developing oral cancer.
Although one solution is to avoid mouthwashes altogether, they can also be limited to short term medical use, the professor suggests.
Another option we recommend is Miessence alcohol free version of organic mouthwash, which will have your breath smelling fresh but without any nasty side effects. In fact Miessence produces an entire range of organic oral care products including organic toothpaste and organic breath freshener spray, all of which are available online at
Essential Care Organic skin care is one of the purest lines of organic skincare on the market today. Not only is it simply packaged and reasonably priced, it allows individuals committed to caring for their body naturally to continue to do so despite the credit crunch!
This month we are having an Essential Care bargain month. We have lots of offers on our Essential Care organic skincare, but only until stocks lasts.
We will be sending out free samples of Essential Care with every order placed in January while stocks last, so this could be a very limited offer, or could carry on into February!
To get an extra special bonus just follow these steps:
- Simply sign up as a buyOrganics member when placing your order
- or if you are an existing member, all you need do is buy an essential care product
and we will send you a generous sized trial size of gentle herb shampoo absolutely free!
Free Trial Size Shampoo Offer open until stocks last from 26th January onwards!!! We’ll post a blog on the blog site when we run out!
Check out all our Essential Care organic skincare products at our website or just follow the link below.
Happy New Year!
Sonia x
Come on! Don’t tell me you haven’t been struck by the Mamma Mia bug?! Of course you have, you’re a closet fan, I know you are. For everyone with a hopeless sense of romance, wanting some kind of summer loving feeling in the midst of this dull grey winter, Mamma Mia gets your heart skipping like a school girl. Well it did mine anyway, I have to admit it. I’m smitten!
Of course I’m a married woman who loves her husband very much, but I do have a soft spot and a smidgen of a crush on Pierce Brosnan. Colin Firth is oh so cute too!
Ok so what have my aimless fantasies have to do with anything Green or Eco-Conscious? Well I thought I’d see what these guys and gals get up to in their spare time and share with you. I wasn’t disappointed!
Pierce Brosnan (thump, thump, thump) for one, is well into the Green Scene and spends time campaigning for environmental education, clean water and marine-mammal and wetland protection. He has been an environmental activist for quite some time and regularly recycles, buys eco products and supports environmental causes.
Check out Pierce’s guide – 10 things you can do to be green
1) Eat organic and buy fruits, vegetables, herbs, cheese, eggs, honey and other food products at farmer’s markets which support local farmers and growers.
2) Use eco-friendly products and services. Purchase all-natural, organic household cleaners, recycled paper products, organic cotton, and non-GMO food products. Locate an organic dry cleaner. Hire an eco-friendly gardening or car service.
3) Recycle everything possible, including printer cartridges, paper products, newspaper, plastic, glass, cans, etc... and cut paper consumption by using e-mail.
4) Give back – support individuals and organizations who are doing extraordinary work for our planet. Over the years The Brosnan Trust has distributed more than one million dollars to environmental organizations, schools, activists, and charities.
5) Plant an organic garden or a victory garden– for yourself or a friend and promote green living.
6) Compost kitchen scraps-- from banana peels to coffee grounds, and green waste. Purchase a rotating or stackable composter and start a green waste pile that can be used to fortify your garden naturally.
7) Promote environmental education. We currently fund environmental programs for kindergarten thru grade 12 (Roots and Shoots) in California and helped pass legislation which requires the state of California to design environmental curriculum for all its students.
8) Donate to off set your emissions (plant trees with Tree people; pay a carbon tax when traveling in environmentally sensitive areas, etc…).
9) Design an eco friendly home that features energy efficient appliances, low flow and/or composting toilets, state of the art solar technology, recycled grey water, reclaimed hardwoods, and non-toxic paint and building materials.
10) Speak up -- use your voice and speak out about important environmental issues (examples over the past 13 years: stopping BHP’s LNG Terminal off the coast of Oxnard and Malibu, Mitsubishi from building a massive salt factory in Lagoon San Ignacio, protesting the US Navy harming whales with sonar and the French Government nuclear testing in the South Pacific, promoting Dolphin Safe Tuna and supporting the Heritage Tree Bill.) One person can and does make a difference. What kind of difference do you want to make?
Colin Firth is also involved in Green issues. Without the luxury of being able to interview him at the drop of a hat, I have to rely on articles written about him and on the internet. Most of the history on his website points to involvement in Fair Trade campaigning, either to the EU, or on global and coffee issues dating back to the early 2000’s. He also has an Eco store in Chiswick surprisingly called ‘Eco’ which he owns with his wife the beautiful Italian documentary producer Livia Giuggioli, her 26-year-old brother Nicola, and friend and investor Ivo Coulson. The shop is cleverly lit by the sun, covered in plants and solar heated. In an interview on Times Online, Colin admirably said “if you have this many perks, surely you can help out. Rather than being a luvvie with a lofty opinion preaching to people, I prefer to do things, to get involved, put my money where my mouth is and learn along the way.”
Meryl Streep, last but not least is an amazing icon, involved in many health campaigns, especially in the fight against Cancer, Aids, America Forest tree replanting scheme- Global Re-leaf and in creating a healthy world for our children. In talking about creating a healthy world for our children, one of the main concerns she raises is regarding the toxins in our environment and foods. For more info see for an amazing read.
Looking behind the scenes of the romance and the glitz and the glamour of Mamma Mia are real people who although busy in their lives, take conscious time and effort to make a difference in the world in their small or big way, as we can all do from the comforts of our own home. With every negative element it is important to remember there is a positive element; one cannot be without the other, its just Yin and Yang!!