Monday, 25 July 2011

Top Tips for Creating a Healthy Bedroom

Organic mattress lovers will be interested in IBTimes UK’s top tips for making sure you have a healthy bedroom.

As they rightly point out you do spend half your life in your bedroom so making sure that it is ecologically good for your health is essential.
1. Pillows – IBTimes UK suggest that getting rid of artificial synthetic fabric pillows is essential such as petroleum based foam or polyester, as these emit VOC compounds that can cause headaches, nausea, eye, throat irritation and possibly asthma attacks. Choose natural products such as natural latex instead.

2. Mattress – Opt for a natural latex mattress or organic cotton mattress because normal mattresses contain over 71 chemicals. To begin with they contain fire retardants (polbrominated biphenyl ethers, or PBDE’s), they also contain stain and moisture resistant chemicals that are toxic to humans. They also contain Formaldehyde. PVC was also used in Baby mattresses but watch out when you buy a mattress that it is PVC free as it was banned in 2009. It’s also important to change your mattress every 10 years due to Dust mite faeces which can build up in an ordinary mattress. So if your mattress is aging, better change it soon. An organic mattress contains no VOC chemicals, PVC Phthalates or any of the other toxic chemicals present in normal mattresses.

3. Bed Linen – Buying normal cotton may sound like the healthiest option, next to synthetic materials, but cotton is considered the world’s dirtiest crop. 16% of the world’s pesticides and insecticides are used on growing cotton which is bad for human and animal health. Buying organic cotton is healthier for the whole plant and yourself. Organic cotton, sheets, or hemp ones are best, but make sure that ecological dies have been used otherwise it egates the point really!

4. Shoe free zone – Avoid wearing shoes in your bedroom as they bring toxins, germs and bacteria from the outside world into your room.

5. Electricals – Electronic devices in the bedroom can interfere with sleep, leave phones, laptops, ipads, and t.v’s out of there, or at least especially not near your bed>

6. Creating Ambience – Ambience is good, it gets you in the mood to relax and unwind, use Soy Candles instead of Paraffin wax which emits VOC’s!

For any help creating a greener bedroom contact us at We have a complete range of bedding that will raise the health barometer in your bedroom instantaneously.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Emma Watson Loves Organic Skincare Products!

Organic skincare lovers will be thrilled to hear that Harry Potter’s Emma Watson is also a massive fan of Organic Skincare, her favourite being a £5 Figs and Rouge Balm. She proves that organic skincare has got a special kind of magic that is wooing the young and style conscious in their quest to have good skin.

Our latest range of SAVE organic skincare and organic hair care is excellent for younger teen skins and, is very easy on the pocket whilst also giving users fab results without any rubbish ingredients that may clog pores or cause rashes.
Who said organic skincare had to be expensive!!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Is your Organic Shampoo doing more than Just Cleaning your Hair?

Organic shampoo users will not be surprised to hear that approximately 70% of shampoos, cosmetics and soaps could be endocrine disruptors and should be avoided where possible according to Dr’s at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York.

Your endocrine system is essential for keeping your hormones behaving normally and damage to this system can ultimately cause problems with weight, mood, sleep and many other daily body functions. Endocrine disruptors in cosmetics can mimic the effect of hormones and affect the performance of the gland that produces them.

So if you love your body and your health, switch to organic skincare, organic shampoo, conditioner and also an organic body lotion or oil in order to avoid the nasty effects of these products. This is especially important for growing teenagers as they develop.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Cosmetology Instructor recommends Chemical Free Organic Cosmetics

An article this month online at times free press showed that more women are turning to chemical free organic cosmetics.
India Cox found that turning to natural cosmetic such as mineral makeup, she was able to calm her skin down and prevent irritation which was causing breakouts that even her dermatologist could not solve.
Many women are turning away from chemicals in their cosmetics and turning to organic makeup.
“Most makeup has chemicals and assorted nonorganic ingredients to create the effects wanted,” said Rhonda Shackelford Castleberry, senior instructor of cosmetology at Chattanooga State Community College. “Unfortunately, sometimes these aren’t the best for your skin, and some people even find that they are allergic to the ingredients in regular cosmetics.
“When the ingredients are natural and organic, you are basically getting the purest of ingredients to apply to your skin. There is a health surge going on nationwide, and people are paying more attention to what they put into [and onto] their bodies.”
She recommends that you should still check labels for hidden chemical ingredients, but at least this way you can enjoy looking your best without worrying about what’s going on your skin.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Men stop sharing your bed, oh and you too Ladies!

Organic matttress fans will be tickled to know that the latest research today suggests that men who share their bed with a partner do not get a good night sleep and their performance is reduced the next day. According to the study, women are not affected so much as they sleep more deeply at night.

At first I was scoffing in surprise but then realised that the study does acknowledge that both partners sleep poorly when sharing a bed, but men just fare worse off. Maybe it's a bit like man flu!