Wednesday 6 February 2008

Toxic Overload

The last fifty years have seen a massive explosion in the introduction of toxic chemicals into our environment. These chemicals were originally intended to enhance our lifestyles. Why then are we left wondering if instead of enhancing our lives, we have actually been polluting our bodies, our reproductive health, as well as our children's health rather than enhancing it?

Just looking back to my mothers childhood brings home how recent all the synthetic chemical revolution really is. My mother grew up with traditional medicines and home remedies, natural and organic skin care without the need for parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals and such. I myself remember being a teenager and being marketed to that all that stuff was old fashioned and that the new latest products were best for our skin. ! It is to my mother that I now turn again, to learn the secrets of time tested effective recipes to dye my hair, to treat dry skin and go back to a simpler healthier way of living.

The truth is that, today, more than 70,000 synthetic chemicals are used commercially and approximately a thousand more new chemicals are introduced into our environment each year. It's hard to know exactly how many of these chemicals are actually harmful environmental toxins that may damage our general and reproductive health, and the health of our children. This is especially true when we consider the fact that only a handful of these potential environmental toxins have been adequately tested to determine their effect on humans and other forms of life.

The effect of toxins in our environment on men, women and children

Dioxins are a part of a group of 219 chemicals. Exposure to them is a key factor in the development of many cancers and other reproductive health problems such as endometriosis and fertility problems. Reproductive health problems for women seem to be increasing and more prevalent than before. Birth defects in newborns can often be traced to the mother's environment during pregnancy. Our children therefore are left to face enormous health risks because of the toxins that pregnant and pre – pregnant men and women face in their environment. Women and children are not the only ones at risk. Men’s fertility and reproductive health is also greatly at risk due to toxins in our environment.

• The incidence of endometriosis is at almost epidemic proportions in some places. This may be due to exposure of women to ovarian steroids, dioxins and chlorinated phenols. Research is underway to further understand how dioxins act as endocrine disruptors.
• Breast and ovarian cancer rates have increased.
• Women whose work exposes them to solvents experience a higher than normal rate of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.
• Maternal exposure to toluene (used in glues, coatings, inks, and paint) causes birth defects.
• Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be responsible for a 400 percent increase in ectopic or tubal pregnancies between the years of 1970 and 1987 alone
• Adolescents many times experience a delay in the onset of puberty due to the influence of exposure to environmental toxins.
• Men have experienced a 50 percent reduction in sperm count during the last fifty years.
• Studies of the umbilical cords of newborns revealed the presence of approximately 100 synthetic chemicals.
• Heart palpitations, insomnia, night sweats, and hormonal imbalances are signs of exposure to environmental toxins.
• Excessive fatigue and other unexplained flu-like symptoms can be triggered by toxic chemicals in our environment.
• People who are prone to headaches may find the root of their headaches is exposure to toxic chemicals.
• Unusual skin rashes, swollen glands, digestive problems, nausea, and diarrhoea may be related to toxic poisoning.
• The incidence of illness with symptoms of muscle and joint pain such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia) has increased.
• Several chemicals contribute to the development of heart disease.
• Irritability, aggression, learning disabilities, and behaviour disorders occur at alarming rates and may be related to chemical exposure during pregnancy, as well as after birth.
• Impaired memory and concentration, auditory and visual perception, in some cases, is linked to excessive exposure to toxic chemicals.
• Onset of allergies, asthma, food, chemical, and noise intolerance can be traced to acute or chronic exposure to poisons.
• A child complaining of stinging pain in their stomach is often a complaint due to exposure to environmental toxins.
• General increase of the symptoms of any existing conditions could be related to toxic exposures.

The Unavoidable Truth

Environmental toxins are present in our lives everyday in a variety of ways that depend on several factors; where we live and our everyday exposure to toxic landfills, overhead power cables, and noxious air from incineration plants. They are in the air you breathe, the food you eat, water, buildings, pesticides, and consumer products such as skin care and household cleaning products. They are also the by products of industry such as the incineration of municipal, medical, and industrial waste; chlorine-bleaching processes for paper; pesticide production; metal smelting methods; and the manufacture of other household and industrial chemicals.
Plastics contain xenoestrogens which can have devastating effects on your body's oestrogen receptors. Plastic containers, plastic food wrap, plastic soda bottles, and other plastics such as Styrofoam and vinyl products, can release chemical toxins into your food merely by the fact that the plastic has touched the food, or by microwaving in containers that have not been produced to withstand the extreme heat of a microwave oven. Never reuse butter or margarine containers, or containers that other foods such as non-dairy whipped toppings come in to microwave foods. These containers are not manufactured to withstand the high heats of microwaving. Microwaving in such containers causes a chemical breakdown and releases toxic chemicals into your food.

How Can you Protect Yourself?

Not everyone responds to each of these chemicals in the same way. Various factors play a key role in determining who is adversely affected, and which of us are not susceptible to the consequences caused by environmental toxins. These factors include age, gender, our location, and the overall state of our health. A few guidelines to follow are:
• Limit your exposure to toxic chemicals by knowing what is in the products you buy for yourself and family. Avoid products with phthalates, parabens, petrochemicals, triclosan, phenols, dioxins and such. Read up more on what to avoid at buyOrganics quick info page on organic skin care
• Buy organic fruits and vegetables, meats, and dairy products as much as possible.
• Limit your use of products (toilet paper, tampons, and other paper products) which have been through a chlorine process to whiten the product. Use non chlorine bleached where possible. Use Natracare sanitary products as available from buyOrganics which are intimately closer to your skin and hence safer.
• Limit your exposure to plastic products.
• Use organic pesticides and encourage your neighbours to do the same.
• Use toxin free products in your home, such as environmentally friendly non toxic cleaning products such as Ecover, Method, Bio-d etc
• Use organic skincare and body care products wherever possible such as Spiezia, Miessence, Green People, Earthbound, Eselle, Ecosoapia and Essential Care, all of which are available at buyOrganics
• Switch to an organic underarm deodorant.
• The above is especially true if you are pregnant or planning on starting a family.
• Fit a good quality whole house water filter in your home
• Buy natural home furnishings rather than chipboards and nylon carpets which may contain an array of chemicals that we are not even aware of.
• When decorating use low solvent paints such as Auro paints available at buyOrganics
• When buying a mattress, consider buying an organic mattress by Abaca or Prolana, which will instantly remove your exposure to harmful chemicals exposed to when you and your children are sleeping. These are also available at buyOrganics
• Empty out your makeup bag and throw away all your old makeup. Red lipsticks may contain lead and some mascara has been found to contain mercury. Switch to organic brands such as Miessence sold by buyOrganics and approved by . Or Nvey Eco, buyOrganics latest brand is a professional range of makeup equivalent to top high street brands.

Find out what environmental hazardous waste producers operate in your area. If you feel that the amount of hazardous waste exposure in your area is unacceptable, take action by writing to your local mp and demanding that the practice of releasing hazardous wastes into your environment stop.
buyOrganics stock a wide range of safe personal care products such as organic skin care and body care, non toxic underarm deodorant, Natracare products, and organic cotton clothing and maternity wear that means that the most intimate layers next to your body and your children’s bodies are safe. The Organic Lifestyle Store

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