Wednesday 2 April 2008

Spelt Snake Maternity Pillows and Breastfeeding Moons

Spelt Snake Maternity Pillows and Breastfeeding Moons

Pregnancy is a joyous time but can also be physically demanding! As your baby grows, your posture will inevitably change to compensate for the baby’s weight. Getting out of bed, picking things up, doing exercise and getting some sleep all need to be renegotiated. Clever organic pillows can be a world of help, doubling up to snuggle baby in later.

Pillows are a must for support during pregnancy. Organic maternity pillows are versatile and practical without being pumped full of petrochemical synthetic products to keep their shape. The spelt fillings sound and smell naturally therapeutic too. Women used to sleeping on their backs before pregnancy will suddenly find that it’s not such a good idea to lie on their back for long periods as it will restrict blood flow and may end up causing faintness. The best position to be in is on your side (as this increases the blood flow to your placenta) with a pillow or two placed between your knees and another under your bump. Alternatively you can use a sausage shaped organic maternity pillow from Made in Water, which means you only need one pillow to reposition, making it easier to turn over. The Spelt Snake organic Maternity Pillow will also support you whilst sitting in bed when the hollow of your back will need support. The uses don’t stop there, as it can be rolled into a baby nest with a clever lambswool cover on for making a soft a cosy pod for baby to lie in - all in all a very versatile pillow!

Breastfeeding can also put a strain on your back. Without adequate support behind your back and under baby, you can end up unduly hunched over especially if you are tired and feeding through the night. If you are feeding baby lying down in the night the spelt snake organic maternity pillow can be used to prevent baby from rolling off the bed (although it’s not advised for baby to sleep in bed with you, it can be used as a temporary precaution). If you prefer to breastfeed whilst sitting up, then organic pillows such as the moon shaped Lambswool Nursing Pillow will help you to sit up straight whilst feeding, preventing backstrain. The moon shaped pillow is not as bulky as the maternity pillows and shapes around your body easily. By placing baby on the pillow to breastfeed, baby will be raised to meet your breast so you don’t have to hunch.

Back care should continue after pregnancy. Ligaments are more pliable during pregnancy so heavy lifting should be avoided. Toddlers don’t always understand this! Neither do we all have a butler to carry home our shopping! Get toddlers to climb onto a chair or sofa before you pick them up and divide your groceries into even weights for carrying one bag in each hand. If you do need to lift something the ideal lift position is to bend from the knees into a squatting position (without twisting and not from the back) and hold the object being lifted close to you as you then stand and straighten up.

Regular exercise during pregnancy can help you maintain fitness and strengthen back and pelvic muscles ready for childbirth. Gentle swimming, walking, cycling, aqua natal classes, pilates and yoga classes are excellent choices. Yoga and pilates will help calm everyday stresses and strengthen core muscle groups. Yoga especially will help you bond with baby and teaches useful birthing techniques. Try reputable and specifically trained organisations such as Birthlight yoga for classes in your area. With all forms of exercise, make sure your teacher is qualified and has experience.

After pregnancy all these forms of exercises can help get your body back into shape without causing undue strain. It takes time for the body to recover after childbirth, although in Western cultures many women are up and about immediately, usually due to lack of help and support. In Eastern traditions, women are encouraged to let their body heal properly before they take on undue strain. Mothers are also encouraged to eat pure traditional mixes of foods that are considered warming for the body, such as dates, gram flour, raisins, cardamoms and nuts. Cleaning and household chores are handed to other family members, which also avoids unnecessary exposure to chemicals during lactation. Body massage is also considered an important part of healing, whilst gentle yoga helps mother’s body return to full strength.

All products available at The Organic Lifestyle Store for Shopping as it Should be!

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