Monday 12 May 2008

Baby’s got to be organic all the way

Baby massage isn’t the latest craze to hit our fad-hungry society; we’ve known for many years that not only does it help with the all-important mother/baby bond (particularly in cases of post-natal depression for example, where bonding is often one of the biggest issues), but also with many common problems such as colic, reflux, sleep, teething and crying problems. It’s even been proven to be a factor in enhancing brain development and more importantly, in healing conditions such as eczema. A daily massage can be easily incorporated into part of the all-important bath-bed routine or as a regular relaxing diversion during the day to help at naptime, and is often just as rewarding and relaxing for the mum or dad giving the massage.

However what you may not know is that what you use to facilitate the massage is just as important as how you actually do it!

Choosing organic massage oils and baby products is the main way of ensuring your baby isn’t exposed to the many harmful ingredients present in run-of-the-mill baby products. 100% organic products such as Earthbound Organics and Essential Care’s baby massage oils will not only ensure paraben, synthetic chemical and toxin-free products for baby’s precious newborn skin, but also the healing properties of the organic essential oils they contain. Esselle’s Sweet Organic Baby Oil contains Sea Buckthorn oil, which has been used since the 8thTibet to treat a range of skin conditions. Century in All these products are available on-line at

Sweet Organic Baby Oil by Eselle

One of the reasons baby skin complaints such as eczema and nappy rash are on the rise, is the increased use of allergenic and sensitising ingredients in skin care products and washing detergents, chemicals in disposable nappies plus of course the pesticides present in non-organic cotton clothing which can remain in the fabric even after several washes. A good way to cut down your child’s susceptibility to conditions like eczema and even asthma is to ensure organic clothing and skincare products wherever possible and wash using eco-friendly washing products – which is also better for the environment of course!

So, you’re armed with your organic massage oil, and baby’s wriggling around on a soft, clean (preferably organic cotton!) towel in front of you (on the floor please – not on top of a raised surface – you’ll have to watch your back but it is possible!) what on earth do you do next?
Here’s our quick and easy step-by-step guide to baby massage – the simple Six Step I Love You massage…

Pour the organic baby massage oil you’ve chosen onto your palms and rub together to warm both your hands and the oil – you can sing or talk to your baby whilst you do this and look into his eyes to increase that one-to-one bond (and distract him from rolling over before you begin to massage!).

Step One:
Use two or three fingers to trace the letter “I” on the right side of his abdomen, starting under his ribs and stopping at the hip, with a firm but gentle pressure.

Step Two: Stroke from left to right across baby’s abdomen forming the long side of a sideways “L”.

Step Three: Use a short downward stroke on the right side of baby’s stomach, completing the “L”.

Step Four: Begin the last letter, an upside down “U” by stroking up from baby’s hipbone on the left side of his tummy.

Step Five: The middle of the “U” is made by moving your fingers along the top of baby’s tummy.

Step Six: Finish the massage with the other side of the “U” with a final downward stroke on baby’s right side.

You can repeat this as often as you like until baby falls asleep, you get arm or back ache, or you’ve both had enough!!

Use the organic massage oil after baby’s bath too to seal in moisture and keep skin smooth and free from dryness and nappy rash. It will also be good for your hands!

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