Monday 18 August 2008

Organic Beauty from the Inside Out

For all the gorgeous natural organic skincare and beauty products we sell I can still say that looking beautiful, and having radiant blossoming skin is something that also needs to be created from the inside out.

To have beautiful skin that radiates health:

Start with clearing negativity from your life. Write a list of all the good things in your life and what you want in your life and concentrate on it everyday. Let negative feelings go by exercising regularly, and create more faith in your life. Yoga is great for doing both. Love makes us glow, so by emanating a feeling of love for all people and all things we create a lot of positive energy in ourselves.

Detox your body, not through any extreme measures, things like fasting don’t suit everyone and can be quite detrimental to some. The key to good health is balance in all things. Make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Stop smoking if you do, cut down on caffeine such as coffee and tea, and also moderate alcohol. These things cut down your blood circulation and the release of toxins from your body.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg, organic if possible, and cut down on meat. If you can’t eat your vegetables, then drink them in the form of smoothies which make sure that not too much of the precious fibre is lost from your system. Fruit and veg contain all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your body needs to keep the body healthy.

Get plenty of beauty sleep as that’s the time your body renews itself.

Have a diet rich in probiotics or take a supplement if necessary; this will ensure your gut stays as healthy as possible therefore ensuring toxins are released from the body and nutrients absorbed. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes to your skin. Also make sure your bowel movements are regular if you want your skin to stay clear.

Have a facial once a month, or alternate with a massage every other month, if funds are short. This regular attention to your face and body will help the body detox toxins and will also get rid of stored negative energy.

buyOrganics recommends Cavalliert Beauty who provide amazing Holistic Natural Facials as well as a complete consultation on your lifestyle and skin.

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