Friday 6 March 2009

Natural ways to beat Cancer – Learning from Jade Goody

With all eyes on Jade Goody, many will not associate themselves at all with her experience, whilst others may find the idea of a young mother desperately trying to live up her last few days and sort out her children’s future a fearful prospect and one that, let’s face it, could happen to anyone of us.

As I look around I am finding increasing numbers of people being plagued by Cancers in various shapes or forms; it used to be people I didn’t know, now it’s friends and family, and as I have just prevented my daughter from taking the latest cervical cancer vaccine, I hope I’ve done the right thing by her.

Cancer is alarmingly common, with an estimated quarter of a million people being diagnosed with cancer each year - the figures are earth shattering. Now I’m not a doctor but part of me cannot help but think that this is a disease caused by our modern lifestyle. Stress, obesity, poor diet, poor lifestyle choices, age and alcohol all can be factors in the development of cancer. Evidence shows that the biggest problem people face is changing habits. Even if they know they have to change, or want to change, 8 out of 10 people would rather die than change their habits! With over 10,000 new synthetic chemicals in the Earth’s system in the last 10 years can we really be surprised that Cancers are not growing; with our stressful 21st Century lifestyles; with our food and air polluted, is it really that surprising that something’s come back to bite us!!

I am a firm believer that we should try and make things as natural as possible in our current synthetic lifestyles and help prevent illness in the future. I recently read a book called the Tao of Detox, fascinating book and in it the author points out that a grown man can carry something like 2lbs of sludge like residue in his bowels that resembles nothing organic at all. This is echoed by a friend’s experience who went for a colon cleanse treatment and found (sorry to be gross!) kernels of popcorn being cleansed from her system. She had not eaten popcorn in 3 years. So the amount of rubbish that lines our stomachs is not good for us, and it originates from poor eating and diet.

So here’s a plan to do your utmost to prevent Cancer naturally:-

  • Turn towards a healthier diet of home cooked organic foods, raw foods, vegetables, fruit, organic staples, and as little artificial rubbish as possible. Make sure you’re only having organic dairy products, cut down on meats and eat as little processed food as possible.
  • Regularly detox your body with a proper programme and ensure you are nutritionally armed with the right nutrients, probiotics and factors that lead to good health. Visit a nutritionist for the best advice. Just because you’re not ill, it doesn’t mean you’re healthy!
  • Get rid of the multitude of chemicals that fill your house such as formaldehydes, triclosan, heavy duty detergents and bactericides. Ridding our environment of all germs is not healthy; it’s not good for us. The obsession with eradicating germs (good and bad) is the reason for MRSA and other super bugs! We need healthy bacteria in our environment to fight our daily fight for us. Switch to eco friendly cleaning products such as Bio-D.
  • Throw your chemical laden toiletries and cosmetics in the bin. The multitude of chemicals we use in our daily routines lowers our immunity and creates more for a liver to detox. Switch to natural organic skincare products and cosmetics and makeup wherever possible.
  • Respect your body clock and ensure that you are not overburdening your body.

Don’t forget to enjoy life. Laughter and joy, low levels of stress, and plenty of love are what the doctor ordered. Make time for rest and relaxation such as Yoga, walking and also finding and keeping your faith in a higher being.

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