Tuesday 2 October 2012

Frankenstein..move over and make space for Genetically Engineered Cloned Cow!!

Organic pillow huggers will be horrified by the latest news about the genetically engineered cloned cows that have been produced solely with the purpose of making milk less allergenic. It really is quite disturbing.

Although I'm all for science, i find this form of allergy treatment  quite twisted.

Firstly, don't get me wrong, i hate allergies but would never give my kids milk from a cow like this! when you mess with nature, it has a habit of coming up and biting you on the backside with an even bigger problem!

Secondly, as the cow is genetically engineered the milk produced by it is 100% artificial hormone driven ( hurrah more cancer causing excess oestrogen hormones!!!) and it has produced milk with double the amount of Caesin in it anyway, I'm sure it's still pastuerised and laced with antibiotics too!!!

Whose paying for this rubbish research!!!!!

For more info http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-19785006

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