Tuesday 20 November 2012

Have a More Ethical, Humane, Turkey This Christmas (not for vegetarians!)

So , Organic non-veggie foodies….Christmas dinner may seem far away, but if you are an ethically conscious person, who savours slightly finer food, then this post maybe of interest to you.  

Most conventional turkeys are raised in small confined cages on Turkey farms, which not only affects their quality of life but also the taste of the meat.  Ethically raised free range turkeys on the other hand are fed real food, they are allowed to move around freely and have a happier existence.

Generally the breed of bird also differs on free range turkey farms, the turkeys tend to be heirloom or heritage breeds and therefore have a different flavour and a higher red to white meat ratio. As the bird has had time to grow and move around, it has a higher good fat to bad fat ratio, meaning that it won’t go dry  and bland so quickly when cooked ,  as caged birds do, but will instead keep a rich flavour when that essential gravy is added!

For ultimate flavour pick an organic turkey as not only will it not have been pumped full of antibiotics and growth enhancers, but it will have been fed a super healthy organic diet and had lots of fresh air and running around too. 

Post brought to you by www.buyorganics.co.uk

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