Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Has the last year been a time of pain or a time of gain?
It’s been an odd year for me, I’ve had low’s, especially when one of my closest friends was diagnosed with cancer. It made me really see how fragile life is and how dear our loved ones are to us. It’s also been a time when I had new experiences in my personal life….I went on a holiday with my husband and kids for the first time in about 5 years. It was fantastic and awful all at the same time! Lost hotel bookings, lost tickets, upgrades, family arguments…argh!!! My husband lost his job with Lehman Brothers which was so stressful! But out of all these things that have happened there has been a silver lining to all of them. My friends cancer is nearly cured and the Chemo has been working, if it hadn’t have been caught in time she wouldn’t have been here now, my husband found another job, a better one! And as a family, the holiday made us closer and able to see our faults better.
This last year has been a closing for an old way of life, globally too. The false economy we’ve been living on has crashed! One of the biggest obstacles to doing something about climate change…George Bush, has been shifted. Barack Obama provides a new hope that has not been presented by any other for a long time. More and more people are buying eco friendly household products, green, organic and natural personal products, organic bedding and latex mattresses, despite the economic down turn, which shows an increasing commitment to what really matters. Hi fuel usage cars are not selling, but instead are being outsold by their green counterparts! This will force manufacturers to come up with viable alternatives or bite the dust.
So, this Christmas season seems different to me than most. I feel more contemplative, more hopeful and as if I’m on the verge of a whole new beginning.
Think of current painful situations as an opportunity for growth.
So if you have lost your job, like countless members of my family and friends, or business is tight, it will no doubt be a seriously worrying time. It may even be a sign that your old way of being was not right for you any more, and that however painfully its happening, its time to embrace something new. Whether it’s a new course, a new interest, a new career doing something that’s going to bring more into your life, than what you were stuck in previously, or re-evaluating how you do things currently.
Change is always painful, I know that, because I’ve been there, not once or twice, but many times, we are going through global changes, and personal changes all at the same time. I’m sure many of you have too. Even if you’ve not had a bad year, and have had a brilliant year, there it’s always good to re-evaluate your strategies and lifestyle. Is there another area of your life that could do with improvement, your friendships, love life, or health? James Ray Philosopher and Life Coach, likens this economic climate to winter, everything that is old and unwanted is dying. This is a time for contemplation so that when the new spring comes we are prepared to create a new spring in our own lives. Astrologically it is the end of the celestial Piscean age and the dawning of the Aquarian age, which is an age of greater spiritual awareness and growth. Whatever is created now will be deeper, more rewarding, richer and more fulfilling than ever before because it will come from a deeper level.
I wish you all the greatest happiness for the New Year
Friday, 19 December 2008
Having a compassionate Christmas is easy!
This means thinking not only about a meat-free Christmas dinner, but also alternatives to dairy, fish, eggs and even honey, plus of course, considering the amount of beauty, home and clothing products that we buy for presents every year, the ethical and environmental considerations behind those.
Animal by-products are used in so many items from soap, makeup, skincare and beauty products, to household cleaning products and also in clothing in the form of wool, leather, silk and even as far as the glue in shoes! A vegan way of life is often viewed as being difficult to adhere to and rather extreme, but one thing we at buyOrganics believe in, is making as many of our selected items available to buy online that vegans can use as well as everyone else!
Whilst a complete change to veganism at this late stage before Christmas might be just a little too dramatic, there are some great ways to cut down on the cruelty this Christmas by choosing certain products and swapping some items for cruelty-free!
If the idea of a typical nut roast puts you off (although you can jazz it up with a fabulous Mushroom & Brandy Sauce!), other meat-free Christmas lunch ideas include Kidney Bean Kievs, a Festive Layered Pie, Tempeh and Mixed Nut Plait or Moroccan Pumpkin Couscous. Accompanied with a Brussels Sprouts & Leek Puree, Sweet Potatoes with Coconut and Cranberry Glazed Cabbage, and suddenly a few slices of turkey covered in gravy starts looking really boring indeed!
Desserts need not be a problem either; Christmas Cakes and Puddings can easily be made without animal products at all, swapping honey for molasses or agave nectar, and suet for breadcrumbs or vegetable suet, and soya milk giving a lovely creamy consistency which actually surpasses milk. Dairy free custards, creams and yogurts are all readily available – try whisking brandy into soya cream for a delicious festive alternative to brandy butter… all the taste but much lower in artery-clogging saturated fats and in fact providing protein and vitamins such as zinc into the bargain (that’s the soya not the brandy, by the way!)
Gorgeous looks can come at a cost – for the animal kingdom. As well as avoiding products actually tested on animals, which are luckily now on the decrease makeup and beauty products are frequently chock full of animal by-products – mascara for example can contain guano (bird or bat faeces!) and tallow (animal fat), perfumes can contain castor from animal genitals, and another animal fat, glycerin, is often used in soaps, shampoos and cosmetics. Lanolin is also widely used in many beauty products, and as well as being from wool fat, is often quite allergenic to sensitive people. Gelatin (from animal bones) is often an ingredient in face masks and other beauty preparations, as well as uric acid (wee wee!). Do you really want all this stuff on your face, mouth and your skin?
Beautiful, professional quality performance natural makeup and organic skincare products are available to buy and wear – our particular favourites are the fabulous Inika range and also Nvey Eco – both are vegan containing no animal products or by-products, and Nvey Eco is also organic!
Organic skincare products we love include Spiezia’s bath soaps, Ecosoapia’s lovely range of scented hand and body washes, Green People kids’ and adult organic toothpastes, and Earthbound Organics mint foot cream…. to mention just a few!
And to clean up the post-Christmas mess, using Bio-D environmentally friendly cleaning products is the best option – not tested on any bunnies, and not containing any animal ingredients (yes! animal blood, fat and other nasty sounding by-products all end up in regular cleaning products!). Not only that, but Bio-D package everything in eco-friendly materials, so you can have a clean conscience as well as a clean house!
So spare a thought for animals and the environment this Christmas, it’s simple, fun and really worthwhile to be compassionate to everyone and everything!
By Lisa Jackson
Thursday, 11 December 2008
The Time Has Come to Take the Human Rights Movement beyond Humanity
Today we see the need to take this movement to the next level. As a Race, yes we have rights, but it’s also time to acknowledge our duty of care that lies beyond us - The Planet. The Planet that gives relentlessly, and is the one and only reason we are alive and able to live the life we currently enjoy. Global climate change, melting polar ice caps, dwindling resources, deforestation, desertification, water shortages, increased natural disasters, and animals on the brink of extinction, are all symptoms of a Planet in pain, a Planet whose rights have been abused and that could lead to our own ultimate demise. By giving the planet a bill of rights we are not being overly politically correct, it doesn’t need to get pedantic! But we are acknowledging that use of the land needs to be sustainable, we have no right to Rape the Planet anymore than we do other human beings.
Polly Higgins a qualified Barrister has set up a fantastic movement to fight for Planetary rights. The “Trees Have Rights Too” Campaign was introduced to the United Nations on 6th November at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, in a bid to encourage this uniquely placed organisation put into place the steps necessary to achieve this Universal Declaration. If approved this Bill of Rights could protect the Planet for our future generations whilst still allowing us to prosper as a race.
Says Polly Higgins, “What is required is a seismic shift in our consciousness, rather than a mere reduction of emissions. This shift should give full recognition of the duty of care that we owe to this beautiful planet. Just as the humanitarian crisis of the Second World War gave birth to the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 60 years ago on 10th December 1948, so we now have a planetary crisis that needs to be addressed with equal urgency. Let this be the date when we take those first steps to seriously address this problem.”
Official advice from NASA’s James Hansen urges us as a civilisation to reduce our green house gas emissions to 350 parts per million from the current 385ppm.
Polly Higgins extends this, saying “It’s not merely a matter of reducing emissions, but also formally committing at a meaningful global level to a duty of care to the planet. We have to provide an inspirational legal foundation to create the legal tools to remedy the damage, pollution and loss as well as to protect that which is precious and still exists. Just as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has provided us with the tools to fight for human rights so now we need to do the same to provide the necessary tools to fight for the planets rights” "We must speak for the Earth - We are the Earth"
Polly Higgins
For further information go to
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Organic Christmas Gift & Presents for all the Family
It’s all too easy to lose sight of the main reason we endure all this feverish consumerism, and get sucked into the bright lights, teetering displays and attractively packaged gift sets cramming the shops at this time of year.
What this is really all about – is about the precious act of giving and receiving gifts, not necessarily the physical, “hard” variety, but the actual emotional reasons for giving a present to someone we care for - giving them a special thank you in the form of something you’ve picked especially for them .
As Charles Dudley Warner said, “the excellence of a gift in its appropriateness rather than in its value.” Nothing could be further than the truth – sometimes we get so hung up on the monetary cost of the gift we’re giving, especially when it comes to giving vouchers and cash, that it’s easy to forget who we’re buying for! And it’s not about how much you spend, as Granny used to say, “it’s the thought that counts” – something Shakespeare poetically summarised 500 years ago in his play The Tempest, when he said “rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.”
Staggeringly, well over £1bn will be spent on unwanted gifts this festive season – and we would hazard an educated guess that the bulk of these are “impulse buys” – rushed choices guided more by advertising, point of sale displays, monotonous nagging from kids and teens, incessant TV ads and the sheer pressure of having to choose, wrap and distribute gifts to the world and his wife (or her husband!) every year!
So before you take yourself, your credit card and your sanity into the mad world of the high street, just take a moment and consider what it is you’re really buying – and buying into. Every gift is a message from you to the one you love, or like, live, play or work with…. an extension of you and your personality and the item itself and the message it gives should last a lifetime – rather than be discarded into landfill or brushed aside from the recipient.
Whatever you choose, remember to select carefully, give and of course to receive – with love…..
Our pick of our very best products this festive season:
For Women: Raw Gaia chocolate face pack, Zoya nail polish collections, Inika vegan lipgloss pack, BAM bamboo shrug, Charme French fair-trade organic cotton lingerie, pink Eco mini fridge
For Men: Eselle Organics men’s wellness pack, Green People organic shaving kit, BAM long sleeve T-shirt, BAM bamboo socks, Pure Move Eco Plus compact DAB radio
For Children: Recycled cardboard play rocket, fortress and playhouse, Solar powered helicopter, BAM bamboo bath robes, BAM bamboo combat jeans, dungarees and pinafore dresses
And last but certainly not least – order some organic beers, vegan wines, spirits and even champagne for your parties and celebrations this festive season!
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Eco Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas
It’s a completely must have travel accessory and totally eco friendly!
In this day and age it’s important to be able to stay connected through phone or laptops, and the gadgets we take with us, require so much juice that it’s difficult to be far away from an electrical socket for long. That’s why we totally love the Solar Gorilla and Power Gorilla by Power Monkey. The first – Solar Gorilla - allows you to charge just about anything just using the power and energy from the sun and the second ( the Power Gorilla can be charged up by the Solar Gorilla or the Mains for added power to keep all your mobiles, iPods, PDA’s and laptops charged wherever you are.

Not only have we got these fab items in store now, but we also have the Solar Monkey, a smaller solar powered charger just for all your handhelds that even works if the sun isn’t shinning so hard! And we have the Extreme Eco Torch which provides emergency charge for your phone and instant light all without batteries!
Hope you love it as much as I do, imagine how much electricity you’ll save.
For even more eco friendly gifts and gadgets visit buyOrganics.
Sonia x
Monday, 1 December 2008
Looking for natural organic skincare that you’ll like and believe in?
Endless hours analysing the small print, comparing the prices and product details - You’ve done the hit and miss orders, and been landed with products you hate! You’ve had the products that are good, but are looking for a change, or you simply want superior performance. Or you simply want to know if the products are genuine in their claims of being natural and pure. Where do you start?
If you’ve already launched yourself into organic shopping you’ll know that the shampoos, and creams all perform differently to regular high street products. You may have got the hang of a lot of the basics just through trial and error and you’ll already know that starting off with a real understanding of some fundamentals can make life a lot easier. We just thought we’d put together a quick checklist of things to consider. So sit back, grab a cup of herbal tea, and take stock of the variety with as little strain as possible, then take the decision about what might suit you best.
Herbal potions compared with scientific concoctions
What grabs your fancy? A witch’s brew or laboratory test tube?
Two distinguishing features separate most natural and organic products. The traditional ones tend to be created on herbal lore, Earthbound Organics, Raw Gaia, Eselle Organics and Spiezia for instance, use time old recipes and blends based on ingredients that are known to have natural healing or beneficial properties for the skin and body, without the toxins but with all the benefits and time tested proof that they work. The newer breed of natural and organic skincare products such as Organic Apoteke for instance combine herbal lore with scientific research and cosmeceutical knowledge, this makes them similar in their placement on the market to top beauty houses, taking the preparation out of the kitchen and into the laboratory! Both lines are equally good.
Balms, Creams, Lotions and Oils
The consistency of a product can make a huge difference to whether you are going to like a product or not. We all have our preferences. What’s yours, rich and buttery, runny like hunny or creamy and dreamy?
Another key difference between many completely pure certified organic skincare products and others that have additives lies in the formulation. 100% pure products tend to be balms or oils such as Eselle Organics, Spiezia organics etc. These don’t appeal to everyone as they are quite rich products, but if they do appeal to you, then you’ll find them packed full of rich nutrients and skin goodies that can really make a difference to your skin. They tend to be heavier and oilier and therefore aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.
Other people who prefer creams can go for the purest available which will still be slightly heavier such as Earthbound (beeswax based) and Raw Gaia (shea butter based). These formulations are all heavier because they do not contain any water hence bypassing the need for preservatives. The Shea butter and Coconut butter based products are mostly solid at room temperature and therefore need to be melted in your hand before being applied. The essential oils used in these products preserve them over time. Don’t be put off by their richness, as a little goes along way and after applying, any excess can be soaked off with a tissue.
Creams and Lotions that have a lighter feel to them inevitably have water as an additional ingredient. This makes it necessary to add a preservative. The majority of preservatives have an irritational element to them, so the Soil association for instance strictly limits their use. The popular ones that are accepted are Phenoxyethanol and Limonene the absence of a preservative could result in a more dangerous form of contamination from Nitrosamines which makes their presence necessary. Many of the newer organic products tend to be made in the form of these lighter applications such as essential care, Organic Apoteke and Miessence, although some lines have cleverly avoided even the accepted preservatives and used totally natural preservatives. Balms, oils, and heavy creams are better for normal/dry/maturing skin types, whereas oilier skin types may do better with a lighter cream or lotion.
Biodynamics and Wildcrafted
Do you feel assured by knowing the ingredients are charged by Mother Nature or simply growing free range?
Products that contain Biodynamic ingredients contain ingredeints that have been grown in accordance with the lunar cycles and seasonal cycles that create the greatest benefit and achieve optimum results from the plants. May sound a little woo woo! But all of Weleda products are for instance bio dynamically based and therefore provide the benefit of optimum ingredients for health wellbeing and healing. Wildcrafted ingredients are taken from plants that have grown wild without the use of pesticides or herbicides such as Eyre Biobotanics.
Certifications and Ingredients to avoid!
Do you need the security of a certificate or are you happy to check the ingredients and see there’s nothing really nasty in it, so its ok! Let's compare the standards?
Certifications can often make a product more expensive. That’s a fact. The common certifying bodies for products you will see being sold in the UK are Soil Association Standard (UK) , USDA (American), EcoCert (European), Organic Food Federation (UK), Australian organic, Demeter (Eurpoean), BDIH (German), Organic food Chain (Australian).
If you’re happy with going with a certificate then look out for the logos and verification that the product is certified. If you’re not too fussed about the certification but want to make sure it’s natural enough then check the products don’t contain any of the following:
AHAs – Alpha-hydroxy acids
(or ‘fruit acids’; incl. Glycolic acid and lactic acid)
- Because it can penetrate the skin causing many reported adverse skin reactions in the US
- May increase sensitivity to sunlight therefore increase photo-aging and risk of sun-related skin cancers
(butylated hydroxytoluene) - Preservative antioxidants
- Possible allergen
- Has been linked to possible behavioural effects, reproductive failures, not allowed in baby food
(Parfum, or Aroma.) Can exacerbate asthmatic symptoms.
- May contain chemicals linked to cancer, damaging to the liver and kidneys and toxic to the nervous system.
(Alkyl parahydroxy benzoates, or butyl/methyl/ ethyl/propyl/isobutyl paraben)
- Oestrogen mimics
- Can penetrate the skin
(Dibutyl (DBP), di(2-ethylhexyl) (DEHP), di-ethyl phthalate (DEP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP))
- Risk to pregnant women and unborn children;
- DBP and DEHP on EU list of banned substances to be phased out by early 2005
- May disrupt hormones and cause birth defects
- Linked to asthma and allergic disease
(PPD, or Para-phenylene-diamine)
- Linked to cancer in workers
- Linked to asthma and allergic disease.
- Can penetrate skin.
- Skin irritant
(5-chloro-2 (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-phenol) or Trade name – Microban
- Bioaccumulative - builds up in fatty tissue and can’t be broken down properly.
- Has been found in human breast milk and fish
- Dioxins (linked to cancer) are formed when it is manufactured, incinerated or exposed to sunlight.
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
(Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)
- Skin, eye and respiratory tract irritant.
- May damage liver, lungs and immune system.
- Some evidence to suggest reproductive effects.
(Toloul, methylbenzene)
- Risk to women workers of spontaneous abortions
- Skin irritant
- Toxic to central nervous system, eyes, blood, liver, kidneys and skin.
Propylene glycol
- Humectant - used to maintain moisture.
- Can cause contact dermatitis
- Linked to depression of the CNS (Central Nervous System)
Source: WEN Toxin Tour Factsheet
Also check out what WEN – Women’s Environmental Network has to say on the subject of toxins
Go onto their resources page for a good non bias heads up on what’s what in the cosmetics industry.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Organic Cosmetics from Zoya Natural Nail Polishes
Whilst cosmetic companies are savvying up to the nasties in nail varnishes and beginning to remove some of the worst offending synthetic culprits, unless you pick a completely naturally formulated polish, such as the new natural ZOYA range of toxin-free nail varnishes now stocked in all their glossy, beautiful glory on the buyOrganics site then you can’t be sure there’s not something unsavoury lurking in that colourful bottle of natural nail polish!

The brains behind these wondrous polishes is Zoya Reyzis, who created the range whilst pregnant and concerned about what effect absorbing toxic substances through her skin and nails would have on her unborn child. Top salons, health spas and natural organic spas, as well as many celebrities, swear by Zoya natural nail polish – and at just £8.95 each won’t chip into your makeup budget either!
Matching your nails to the rest of your makeup for a really professional look is perfectly possible with the huge range of bright, bold, shimmery or subtle colours in the Zoya natural nail polish range. These days matching nails to eyeshadow colour is a hot trend – choose from one of buyOrganics’ completely natural, organic and nasties-free eyeshadows from vegan minerals range Inika or Nvey Eco to get gorgeous for a party, work or even the school run for all you yummy mummies out there!
We created a stunning look using mineral Inika mineral eyeshadow – ‘Gold Dust’ over the eyelid sweeping up towards just below the eyebrow, then with ‘Burnt Sienna’ across the lid and in the eyesocket - which teams beautifully with Zoya’s ‘Kaufda’ metallic bronze coloured nail polish. A slick of Inika’s mineral mascara in Chocolate finishes this subtle but tempting look. We also stock the Zoya natural nails collections, fantastic value with six complementary polishes for just £47 – the new Vibe and Pulse ranges are perfect for the festive party season, with metallic purples, deep reds and even black polishes to get you glammed up for Christmas!
buyOrganics chose the Zoya natural nail polish range for their site because of their performance quality, vegan status and toxin-free credentials. Nails are a living part of the body, growing about 3mm a month, and traditionally a window into the body’s health – as a diagnostic tool for inner and outer health and beauty. Nails can be affected by damage, dehydration and poor nutrition, so it stands to reason they will certainly bear the ill-effects of repeated coverage with ingredients which are banned in drinking water, food and in some household objects.
So don’t compromise your health – or your appearance! Indulge your inner and outer craving for natural, safe beauty and take a look at the buyOrganics range of natural healthy nail polishes in our body beautiful section:
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Organic mineral makeup - stunning results without the toxic overload
But, don’t just grab your purse in panic and rush down the road to the nearest chemist to buy up stocks of the latest mineral makeup from the shelves! Despite claims of natural, healthy and pure ingredients, even the most cursory of scans of the packaging will prove that even in the so-called pure world of mineral makeup – once again, organic cosmetics stand out on their own not only for safety and consideration for the environment, but for purity and importantly, performance!
Organic mineral makeup products are made from a pure mixture of mica, iron oxide and titanium dioxide as well as a range of different organically extracted essential oils. Many high street brands are loaded with synthetic fillers and preservatives, such as talc, bismuth oxychloride, parabens and phlalates, which as well as being toxic, can irritate the skin and block pores.
Top luxury organic online beauty store buyOrganics tried and tested a number of products before settling on their new makeup range, which we are now delighted to introduce to you. We now stock the organic, vegan makeup range by Inika, which includes a range of twelve different shades of organic mineral foundation which acts as a foundation, concealer and powder, all in one.
We have found that even the most sensitive skins and those with visible facial skin complaints such as redness and rosacea not only benefit from the superior coverage of the Inika organic makeup, to name but one, but also the benefits of leaving pores able to breathe and the natural sun protection factor of the ingredients (iron oxide and titanium oxide are also used in organic sunscreens to provide excellent protection from both UVA and UVB rays). This means that as well as being safe internally, your foundation also has anti-ageing properties. They are so safe for use that they can even be used straight after facial cosmetic surgery.
What we particularly like about using mineral foundations is the ease of application and the fact that one pot will last a very long time, meaning a sharp decrease in packaging and necessity to keep buying the product – making it a true investment! Only the smallest amount is required and once you get the hang of controlling the brush to apply the powder, we guarantee this method of facial coverage will knock minutes off the usual time it would take to use a liquid or pressed foundation.
The real secret with mineral makeup, from foundation to eyeshadows and even lip colours is in the brushwork – you will become an artist in no time! The knack is to use either a flat foundation brush (buyOrganics stock the Inika vegan brushes) or a blusher brush, take up a small amount of the powder knocking it against the pot to rid the brush of any excess, then apply in bold, rounded movements to the face. You can either cover the entire facial area or simply pay attention to areas which need more coverage (which is where a concealer brush, again using the foundation powder under the eye area comes in useful), so one product goes a very long way, making your cosmetic bag light and simple, and less packaging too. Covering blemishes but allowing your natural beauty to shine through to give a healthy, glowing complexion can’t be bad!

Eyeshadows can be applied simply as powder with an eyeshadow brush or for more definition close to the lashes, or for a dramatic evening or party look, wet the brush, take off the excess water and dip into the eyeshadow powder for an effect similar to watercolours, you can build up the colour as you wish. Use a base colour such as Inika’s Bling Bling over the eye lid up to just below the brow line, then fill in the eye socket area with another colour – we love the depth of Inika’s Purple Haze. You can even use the eyeshadow as an eyeliner by dampening an angled brush and using the eyeshadow wet to create perfect lines of any colour you like. If you’re a stickler for your eyeliners though, Inika’s eyeliner pencils come in a range of shades – try Sage with your Purple Haze eyeshadow for a fantastic festive party look – and they come with a handy sharpener on the pencil lid – again cutting down on makeup bag bulge!
You mustn’t forget blusher, giving depth, definition and a healthy glow day or night. The Inika kabuki brush together with their blusher powder (four sensational shades) will complete your healthy look. With such gorgeous products giving fantastic effects and also vegan and organic, why would you choose anything else? It’s a no-brainer really! See the entire range of organic makeup from buyOrganics, including Inika, Miessence, Nvey Eco and just in – non-toxic nail polishes from Zoya – from buyOrganics and get the safest, purest beauty looks around!
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Organic Cosmetics & Makeup – The Intelligent Way to look Beautiful! What’s in your makeup – The Facts!
Whilst you quibble over whether Chanel, L’Oreal or Estee Lauder is best, we’ll take a deeper look into the ingredients of those beloved lipsticks, blushers, mascaras and foundations that grace your cosmetic bag and your skin. It feels good when you open your bag and it’s full of beautifully packaged luxury makeup, don’t get me wrong, I’m not particularly singling out the above brands, just pointing out that when we choose our cosmetics, we are often choosing a brand that says more about our lifestyle than even our clothes - they are expressions of who we want to be and what our priorities are. We choose a brand that represents us.
We buy from places that we feel familiar and comfortable with, where we fit in. This can unfortunately play on our sense of ego and then bypasses our basic rights to being provided with products that are not polluting us. Often the primary factors that govern women’s choice is image, packaging, and price but If you’re going to eat about 6lbs of lipstick in your lifetime, I would say ingredients needs to figure as top of the list -make it sure it’s safe!
Although off the shelf products meet federal and government safety tests, because they tell you the toxin quantities are so small as not to harm you, imagine that you are ingesting this stuff over a whole lifetime, and not just through one product, but all the products you use. There is no evidence to suggest that when combined with other makeup and toiletries, the chemical concoction will not cause you harm. Also the chemicals that are ingested and absorbed through the skin can build up in our body and be stored in our fat cells only to be released later in life. No wonder certain cancers are on the increase!!
Here’s a quick heads-up on the chemicals that plague your cosmetics and what you need to avoid:
Some side effects reported of exposure to phthalates are damage to various organs such as the kidneys, liver and lungs. These are used as plastic softeners in nail polish, hair sprays and many other toiletries. They also help the fragrance in your product last longer. Research has found that phthalates may have a disruptive effect on human hormones, possibly causing birth defects and liver damage. Both DEHP and DBP (the later is often present in nail varnish) are classified as class 2 compounds, toxic to reproduction, but are still present in many cosmetics
In a nutshell, parabens are used as preservatives in most cosmetics and skincare products, including foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner and hairspray. There are several types of parabens that exist in common formulations; Methylparaben, propylparaben, butyleparaben and ethylparaben. As well as being linked to hormone disruption and various cancers, they can irritate the skin. They have been detected in human breast tissue as they can even act as oestrogen mimics -increased oestrogen levels are linked to cancer.
One, propyl paraben, has been shown to adversely affect male reproductive functions; at the “daily intake level” currently acceptable under EC law, it decreased daily sperm production. (Oishi, S., ‘Effects of propyl paraben on the male reproductive system’; Food and Chemical Toxicology, 40: 1807-1813 (2002))
A lot of makeup contains VOC’s, such as formaldehyde and ethanol. These have be shown to cause eye, nose and throat irritation, difficulty breathing, allergy symptoms and headaches. Formaldehyde is considered a probable carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the formaldehyde in your lipstick gets ingested. We probably eat about 6lbs of lipstick in our lifetimes – not so yummy!
Chemical Solvents
Amongst this nasty bunch of chemicals is acetone, toluene, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate and alcohol. They have been linked to many different health problems from headaches to liver damage whilst also causing harm to the environment.
Synthetic Polymers
Synthtic Polymers are ingredients such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). These synthetic substances are derived from petrochemicals and used in mascaras, eyeliners and hairsprays to ‘fix’ the product to your skin or lashes. Watch out for them in natural and eco-friendly hairsprays too; they have been linked to headaches, dizziness and allergic reactions.
buyOrganics founder Sonia recommends some Natural alternatives in Organic Cosmetics and Makeup to keep you looking a million dollars!
The Phthalate DBP and toluene, another toxic chemical is found in nail polish. This compound is flammable and can make the nails dry and brittle. Instead of using the chemical based polishes found on the market, you could use a natural water based polish, but these do not last long and have to be removed quickly otherwise they become impossible to remove!
I love Zoya Nail Polishes for totally natural nails because they are long lasting, don’t have to be removed quickly and come in over 300 shades, we stock around 80! Worn by the stars!
Choose mineral based eyeshadows such as Nvey Eco or Inika as eyeshadows traditionally contain a chemical called polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). This compound has been shown to cause an allergic reaction in some people. It is important to read all product labels before purchasing any brand of eye shadow and avoid those that contain PVP. Both Inika Eyeshadow and Nvey Eco Eyeshadows are totally natural and don’t contain synthetic fillers such as Talc or Bismuth oxyclorane or PVP either.
Lipsticks traditionally contain petroleum, chemical fragrances or FD&C colours and can contain formaldehyde, lipsticks containing lead and heavy metals can be especially dangerous for pregnant women. Children exposed to lead have been shown to have impaired school performance and lower IQ compared to children un exposed. Always choose natural organic lipsticks that do not contain synthetic colours or preservatives. I love Nvey Eco and Inika natural organic lipsticks, which come in a great range of natural colours without synthetic colours and toxins. Miessence has been cited by The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics to be one of the purest ranges on the market.
When choosing a loose or powder foundation, its best to choose organic as the organic cosmetics do not contain talc which has been linked to cancer. No-talc powders instead use bentonite and/or kaolin as well as essential oils which have been extracted from plants that have not been treated with pesticides and herbicides. Organic foundations also do not contain paraben preservatives such as methyl parabens or propyl parabens. I love Miessence and Nvey Eco crème and liquid Foundations – the same mineral formulations in a cream format for people who like a cream rather than a powder. Inika Mineral foundations give such fantastic coverage that they can even cover skin problems such as acne, rosacea and scarring completely naturally.
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Icecream and hot chocolate – Sophie and Chloe’s inspiration behind the new autumn range of bamboo babies and children’s clothes stocked by buyOrganics

Organic children’s clothing fashioned from bamboo fleece is becoming increasingly more popular on the designer circuit, and to reflect this growing trend, buyOrganics has just added this new autumn range of beautiful new colours and designs to their stock.
Girls will be in neopolitan heaven with soft and snug pink and chocolate knit dresses, and boys – will revel in pistachio warmth with khaki combats and chocolate pullovers. Team the outfits with buyOrganics’ range of baby and children’s bamboo T-shirts, bodysuits, vests and socks for the warmest, softest look this autumn. The range from Bamboo Baby, was inspired by sisters Sophie and Chloe, who wanted their new knitwear range to be both comfy and snuggly as well as unisex. Their visions of hot chocolate in front of a roaring winter fire has created this beautiful selection of jumpers, combats and dresses. Sophie originally studied fashion design at Kingston University and went into business with her sister Chloe. They both knew that they wanted to do something eco –friendly.
Bamboo children’s clothing is not only luxurious to wear and 100% organic, but probably the most sustainable, ethical material currently available. So your kids won’t just look good – they’ll be helping save the planet! Plus it’s durable for all that indoor and outdoor toddling, climbing and tripping over!
The new autumn chocolates range, which is organically certified by OCIA, is the perfect solution for keeping baby and child warm and trendy during the cold winter months – as well as its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, bamboo fleece is temperature regulating, making it soft and cosy in the cold. It also wicks away moisture from the body naturally, meaning no sweatiness when you come in out of the cold into a warm room or shop.
Bamboo is one of the most sustainable plants on the planet – like hemp it grows prolifically and has a short cultivation cycle, meaning the moment you cut it down, up it shoots again! It absorbs absolutely loads of carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere and is so naturally hardy that absolutely no chemicals are required for growth and, more importantly, requires minimal precious water.
So start baby as they mean to go on this autumn – healthy, well-dressed and environmentally friendly!
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Little Things Can Make a Difference - Or How I Learned to Love Organic Skincare
Sure I’ve always had a love of nature, I would spend hours watching documentaries on wildlife (especially rainforests and anything to do with aquatic life) with my dad as a kid; but that was about it.
So what changed? Well as a student I finally fulfilled a dream and visit a rainforest myself. It was breathtaking, and just what my imagination had always led me to believe… well at least it was at first.
It was after I was show the devastation that had been made due to deforestation, and the effects it had on the wildlife that began to change my life (just look at the picture above, it saddens the heart). Since then my lifestyle has swayed greatly over the years to living it in an ecologically friendly way. It’s a cliché I know, that one person can’t make a difference, so why bother? Well because if everyone did bother then it would make a difference, and every small step, even from one person, is a move in the right direction.
Of course it’s not been easy. Where I live recycling has only just become a mandatory thing in regards to weekly waste collection (before that it was a trip to the recycling centre once a week) and the selection of organics products has been pretty poor, with the exception of organic food, which most supermarkets stock a selection of.
However food and recycling is only a small part of it and as a woman I wanted to see if I could go green on one of our biggest failings, skincare, cosmetics and toiletries. These items in normal life are so full of toxins and unnatural ingredients it’s surprising us girls aren’t responsible for melting the icecaps on our own.
Where to start? I mean organic skin care and organic toiletries? Where the heck do you get these things? Yes we know there are places that don’t test these on animals, but that’s not the same thing (though something I do applaud). My search took me online, and it was there I found that you can get almost anything you need for day to day life, all wrapped up in an organic, natural and eco-friendly little package (figuratively and literally).
The ranges of organic skincare on offer are huge with brands such as Eselle, Spieza, Miessence and much more beyond all doing facial skincare products such as moisturiser to facial cleanser and face wash to lip balm (yep something as simple as that has an eco alternative).Then there is body skin care, such as hand creams and lotions, body moisturisers and soaps and body washes all of which have “green” counterparts.
Toiletries and cosmetics are another must for us girls and we aren’t failed here either. Organics lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara and even foundation are readily available online. Organic toiletries are taken care of with organic deodorants, body powders, organic perfumes and more; the even have organic panty liners, towels and tampons in case you’re not sure.
Now the point is that these aren’t just good for the environment though. These things are all good for YOU. Many of the skincare and toiletry products we use, as well as cosmetics and make-up we apply are so full of chemicals and toxins you’d not be surprised about my statement that a women getting ready for a night out could kill half a rainforest on her own, and if it does that much damage to the environment, then what bout the toll it takes on you.
So come one girls, give it a try. It is true one person won’t make a difference, but if we all try to help the planet (and help ourselves and our bodies as well) even with just a few things where we can such as an organic skincare alternative, or some organic deodorant, or even organic cosmetics… then that is a start to making a difference."
Article by Kim Walsh
Self confessed 'Tree Hugger' and proud of it!
Monday, 29 September 2008
Friday, 26 September 2008
The buyOrganics Guide to Safe, Organic Beauty on a Budget
Products such as organic skincare, organic bodycare, food and organic clothing are often unfortunate casualties of the lessening of our disposable incomes, but in fact, natural, healthy beauty can still be achieved on a budget!
Leading on-line organic lifestyle store buyOrganics ( offers their pick of the best quality, low budget organic skincare products to keep you beautiful and healthy through these tight times….
Facial cleansers which are not only organic and natural but cleanse the skin deeply without the use of synthetic chemicals and preservatives, include:
Essential Care Lemon & Tea Tree Organic Face Wash Cleanser £12
Includes balancing organic essential oils of lavender and tea tree together with extra virgin olive oil and aloe juice for clean, fresh skin. This vegan product is also Soil Association certified.
Raw Gaia Living Facial Cleanser £12.50
Made with cold-pressed oils of jojoba and wheatgerm, organic essential oils of sweet orange, eucalyptus and lemon plus organic floral waters of witch hazel, tea tree and juniper, this is a refreshing, purifying cleanser made with the purest ingredients.
Earthbound Organics Face Cleanser Cream £7.54
Combining rosewater, calendula, sunflower oil, carrot oil and beeswax.
Moisturising the skin after cleansing is essential for maintaining healthy skin:
The Earthbound Organics skincare range of five different face creams for different skin types are a real beauty bargain – just £8.89 and all beautifully formulated from organic ingredients and essential oils. A little really does go a long way, making your precious pounds last longer. Try from the range according to your skin: Nutritive Cream, Rejuvenating Cream, Jojoba & Vitamin E Cream, Carrot Cream as well as their ultra-moisturising Avocado Night Cream.
Other fantastic bargain moisturisers include the fantastic:
Raw Gaia’s For Her Daughters Moisturiser £10.80
Weirdly named but highly nutritive, this special female formulation contains 100% organic rosehip, evening primrose, Palma Rosa and fair trade cocoa butter.
Raw Gaia MSM Beauty Cream £10.80
Containing nutritive sulphur especially for mature and damaged skin, this is an incredible healing skin care preparation perfect for daily moisturising.
For a special pamper, a face mask and a scrub can provide the perfect pick-me-up:
Raw Gaia Chocolate Face Mask £8.20
Probably the most perfect face mask ever invented – great for skin and smells amazing. This living food for the skin contains detoxifying raw chocolate powder, sundried red clay, organic turmeric and organic amia fruit powder to nourish the pores.
Earthbound Organics Facial Scrub £6.54
With organic lavender, oatmeal and aduki beans for a natural, healthy organic skincare scrub.
Must-have items for skin repair and probably the most cost-effective anti-cellulite remedy on earth!:
Essential Care Baby Repair Lotion Natural Eczema Cream £8.94
Not just for babies but good for adults too – soothes and protects skin complaints such as eczema and dermatitis.
Earthbound Organics Anti Cellulite Oil £7.95
What a bargain – not only a snip price-wise but this skin care product full of organic essential oils such as geranium, rosemary, fennel and juniper, plus organic sunflower oil, ivy and vitamin E, to help stimulate the circulatory system, balance hormones and detoxify the skin.
Keep your body clean and fresh the natural way too:
Essential Care Aloe Vera Bodywash £7.99
Using corn sugar to mildly cleanse, this body wash is fragrance-free for extra care but amazingly moisturising and containing 100% natural ingredients.
Essential Care Deodorant Stone £5.95
With the health risks of aluminium chlorohydrate still proving controversial, this purse-friendly alternative contains naturally formed crystals of non-toxic potassium alum ensures no pore blockage or staining. Simply moisten the stone and apply to anywhere on the body – the stone lasts for up to 9 months making it true value for money.
All organic skincare products available at
buyOrganics also stocks the Green People range of organic, parabens and synthetic preservative-free skin care products, with prices ranging from £3.24 to £14.99 including facial skin care, suncare, babies, men’s and bodycare products.
Performance quality makeup from Nvey Eco is also organic, paraben-free, cruelty-free with foundations, blushers, lipsticks, glosses, mascaras and eyeshadows in a wide range of shades and colours from £13 to £28 – the perfect healthy addition to any make up bag.
So splash it all on without splashing out, keep yourself healthy, beautiful and in the money with buyOrganics’ beauty budget know-how!
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Organic Fortnight, Living the High Life despite the Credit Crunch
Here we are, half-way through organic fortnight and most people are thinking about their pockets instead of their health. During the credit crunch our pockets will be squeezed, our minds will be wrangled and our nerves may be shot, but it is the ideal time for creativity to flow.
The past shows us that during the hardest times, people become highly creative, which can mean cutting corners in all sorts of ways, but it doesn’t necessarily mean losing site of quality.
Food is the main expenditure. But this is where creativity is really needed. By being clever we can create several meals from a few bare essentials. For example buying an organic chicken will cost you £8 and can be roasted with the leftovers being curried, put in a sandwich, or a risotto and made into a soup too. Veggies can make several meals from one bag of lentils (about £1) – and with organic lentils only about 15 to 20 pence more than regular lentils, it’s worth paying that bit extra to ensure you and the planet is healthy. Lentils can be used in place of meat in Bolognese sauces, curries, soup, shepherd’s pie and mashed with potato and cheese and baked in the oven for a loaf which is delicious hot or cold.
The main thing is to avoid heavily packaged food, go for more seasonal local vegetables which are cheaper as they have done less travelling. Integrate more pulses and grains and vegetables into your diet, which is not only better on your health but also on your pocket too. Be creative with salads and as Jamie Oliver is campaigning – get
Following food is our household expenditure. By being economical on the energy we use, we can drastically reduce our energy bills. Simple measures are good for your pocket and the environment. Start with turning off all appliances at the plug when they are not in use, switch off lights in rooms when you leave them and switch to energy saving bulbs. Make sure you have thick curtains for the winter and seal up drafts. Walking around at home without the need for a sweater in the cooler months is a good indication that your heating is too high!
Buying natural and organic goods for the home is not always the expensive alternative we might think it is. Bio-D cleaning products are very economically priced so that you can get your home clean and still be chemical free. The products range from between about £1.50 and £4 and include laundry products, polish, cleaning sprays and window cleaner. When we think of all the allergies and illnesses that are triggered by household chemicals this switch is a simple cost effective one, and is particularly good for adults and children suffering from eczema and asthma.
Organic Bedding is obviously a high quality luxury bedding option, and you may be tempted to go for something cheaper in the sale to get you through the difficult times. But if you stop and think, the difficult times may only last 6 months or so and your mattress or bedding may be with you for years to come. If you have had to put off the purchase of a much needed quality mattress then last a bit longer with an organic mattress topper, buy one or two bamboo sheets instead of a whole set, that way you can build up your purchases slowly without compromising on quality.
Now life doesn’t stop just because of the credit crunch and one of the things that doesn’t get returned is the new baby. Babies are still born whether it’s convenient or not and they still need caring for with the safest products. Their health does not warrant being compromised. You still need to use reasonably priced quality skincare but it is possible to have healthy, organic skincare and beauty products on a budget such as Green People products which are concentrated and effective. We’ve got loads more tips coming your way on skincare and cosmetics in our beauty on a budget blog next week. Until then, remember that attitude is the key to whether you live in abundance or poverty.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Eco-Friendly Cleaning
Choosing eco-friendly products to clean your home and laundry isn’t just better for the environment, but it could even save your life! Regular cleaning products may be great at killing germs and cutting grease but this comes at the expense of health and environment – the array of harsh, toxic chemicals and additives we are now exposed to via the sprays, polishes, wipes, bleaches and cleaning fluids have been linked to a host of problems ranging from mild allergies to cancer. Many of the ingredients used in regular products are known carcinogens and irritants, and such chemicals can build up in the system and take years to develop into a serious illness – so is our clean-conscious lifestyle heading us into future disaster?
Many people say they would choose eco-friendly products but they don’t believe they clean as well as their usual brands. The answer is now at hand with a great new range of truly safe and ethical cleaning products which shatter this myth to smithereens. The Bio-D range of cleaning and laundry products is now available at online organic lifestyle store buyOrganics. With this biodegradeable, SLS free, natural range of house cleaning products, not only will you get the job done in no time, but you can be safe in the knowledge you haven’t harmed your own health or that of the planet in the process! They are all allergy tested and contain no animal products – and it goes without saying that they haven’t been tested on animals too (which most regular products have been). Raw products are mainly from renewable sources and all packaging is recyclable.
The chemical industry launches around 1000 new chemicals a year – which seems crazy in this day and age when we’re trying to cut down the risks of pollution in our air, water and bodies. Young children whose systems are not as developed as adults’ are particularly at risk – cancer is now the leading cause (alongside accidents) of death in children aged 5 to 9, and the asthma rate in Canada, for example, has increased in recent years around 400%. Ingredients allowed in our cleaning products include denatured ethanol (in antibacterial sprays for example) which can cause respiratory irritation; spray polishes contain silicones, butane gas and propane; and glass cleaners usually contain glycol ethers – chemicals which have been linked to reproductive problems.
Bio D products are the best all-round solution for safe, ethical cleaning – and results are as effective as regular products and are a particularly good choice for homes where there are babies, young children, expectant mothers, pets, allergy sufferers (such as eczema and asthma), and people undergoing chemotherapy who need to limit their toxin intake. The laundry powder and liquid are especially useful for these vulnerable groups. All products are safe and perfect for use in homes with cess pits and septic tanks.
These eco-conscious products are also friendly on the pocket – good news with the current economic climate – with products ranging from just £1.89 to £4.00.
BuyOrganics is an online organic lifestyle store dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and the future of the planet, with attention to customer service, fast delivery and product quality and integrity.
Full range of Bio-D Products at buyOrganics:
Bio D Washing Up Liquid (£1.89)
Kind to hands, the waterways and won’t kill the fishes!!
Bio D Toilet Cleaner (£2.49)
The smallest room will never be the same again - gets rid of smells, stains and even limescale.
Bio D Glass & Mirror Cleaner (£3.04)
Streak and smear free and not a cough or splutter to boot!
Bio D Laundry Washing Liquid (£3.84)
Safe for you and your washing machine – not to mention the dolphins!
Bio D Washing Powder (£3.05 for 1kg)
A little goes a long way with this concentrated powder
Cleaning has never been more fun or more healthy!
Organic Beauty from the Inside Out
To have beautiful skin that radiates health:
Start with clearing negativity from your life. Write a list of all the good things in your life and what you want in your life and concentrate on it everyday. Let negative feelings go by exercising regularly, and create more faith in your life. Yoga is great for doing both. Love makes us glow, so by emanating a feeling of love for all people and all things we create a lot of positive energy in ourselves.
Detox your body, not through any extreme measures, things like fasting don’t suit everyone and can be quite detrimental to some. The key to good health is balance in all things. Make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Stop smoking if you do, cut down on caffeine such as coffee and tea, and also moderate alcohol. These things cut down your blood circulation and the release of toxins from your body.
Eat plenty of fruit and veg, organic if possible, and cut down on meat. If you can’t eat your vegetables, then drink them in the form of smoothies which make sure that not too much of the precious fibre is lost from your system. Fruit and veg contain all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your body needs to keep the body healthy.
Get plenty of beauty sleep as that’s the time your body renews itself.
Have a diet rich in probiotics or take a supplement if necessary; this will ensure your gut stays as healthy as possible therefore ensuring toxins are released from the body and nutrients absorbed. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes to your skin. Also make sure your bowel movements are regular if you want your skin to stay clear.
Have a facial once a month, or alternate with a massage every other month, if funds are short. This regular attention to your face and body will help the body detox toxins and will also get rid of stored negative energy.
buyOrganics recommends Cavalliert Beauty who provide amazing Holistic Natural Facials as well as a complete consultation on your lifestyle and skin.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Why Natural Organic Sunscreens Are Better For Your Skin and Your Whole Body
The most damaging aspect of the sun’s rays is its radiation – invisible to the human eye but the cause of cell mutation on and beneath the surface of the skin, which is how cancer develops. UV radiation is the single most important cause of skin cancer, especially when overexposure results in sunburn and blistering. This radiation is broken down into three main types: A, B and C. It used to be thought that UVB radiation was the main culprit when it comes to melanoma as UVB damage is visible in the form of sunburn, but in recent years research has discovered that UVA radiation penetrates deep beneath the skin and these cells are the most vulnerable and the hardest to treat should they mutate. UVA radiation is also the cause of wrinkles, so if you want to retain your youthful complexion the advice is simple – stay out of the sun altogether!
Slapping on factor 30, 45 or even 50 may seem like a good idea but recently it has been proposed that the more sunscreens we use, the more protection we feel we have, meaning we stay out in the sun longer, thus increasing our risk of sun damage and the chance of developing skin cancer. This disease is now rapidly on the increase, with 9,000 cases being diagnosed in the UK every year, and one of the reasons it is thought this is the case, is strangely, that we are using more and more sunscreens!
There are three forms of skin cancer – all of them caused by sun damage. Squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas are the least life-threatening, but melanoma is highly aggressive and is in fact one of the most aggressive types of human cancer there is and risk is higher in areas where there are high levels of ambient UV – such as Australia and New Zealand, where it is the most common form of cancer.
Sun worshipping is big business – there are literally hundreds of different brands and types of sunscreens on the market, all with several different levels of SPF (sun protection factor) which the bemused consumer is supposed to be able to calculate according to their skin type and how long they intend to keep reapplying the cream. And in fact, there is very little difference between a factor of 15 and 30 – apart from the level of preservative ingredients in the product to keep it fresh. Using a higher factor sunscreen in order to not have to keep replenishing it is, according to Cancer Research UK, one of the surest ways to increase your cancer risk – all these high factor creams lull us into a false sense of security, encouraging us to stay out longer in the sun so long as we keep on applying those creams.
Sunscreen products themselves also contain a host of manufactured chemicals in order to provide UV protection, but there are natural and organic alternatives available – these will contain microfine zinc or titanium dioxide which provide both UVA and UVB protection, and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Sunscreen products by Miessence, Essential Care and Green People give great sun protection as well as containing safer ingredients.
Most regular sunscreens and self-tan products also contain a host of other known irritant and sensitizing ingredients such as phenoxyethanol – which is also present in most sunscreen products and, which is actually on the list of preservatives approved – although restricted - by The Soil Association.
Preservatives are necessary in cosmetic products in order to inhibit the growth of bacteria once jars and bottles are opened. They are particularly important in products which contain oil and water as these will go rancid after air exposure, unless preservatives are present. Preservatives work by killing bacteria cells – but can also do the same to skin cells, which is what gives them their toxicity. The higher protection factor a sunscreen has, the higher levels of the ingredients in the product which can go “off” – hence the occasional requirement for phenoxyethanol, says the Soil Association, which allows them even in some of their certified organic products.
An excellent compromise comes from Sonia Kalia-Sagoo, founder and director of Buy Organics Ltd, an online organic store which stocks only the safest organic sunscreens as certified by The Soil Association:
“I love the sun and I’m always out in it given the chance. However, when it’s hot I always keep in the shade and keep well-covered. Having just come back from visiting family in India I made sure that my 4 year old daughter was wearing full sleeve bamboo T shirts and leggings all day long. This amazing fabric not only kept her cool, but it also has UV protective qualities. For the skin that is exposed just apply a small amount of Green People or Essential Care organic sunscreen.”
However, there is a flip side to all the public hype surrounding shade and sunscreens. Whilst we’re told sun exposure is bad for us, in fact, we do need regular amounts of natural sunlight in order to produce and maintain vital supplies of Vitamin D. This vitamin is easily produced by 15-20 minutes a day of sunshine on our faces, arms and legs – preferably without sunscreens which can also inhibit absorption. Research has also shown that obtaining a tan, particularly in our childhood and teenage years could actually help protect against some diseases such as prostate cancer and multiple sclerosis.
What a dilemma! If we stay in the shade and slap on the sunscreens we could be covering our bodies in toxic chemical ingredients which can enter the bloodstream, let alone the risk of vitamin D deficiency. On the other hand, how do we protect ourselves from the equally unpleasant effects of overexposure such as cancers and premature ageing?
It seems that when it comes to the sun, along with most things in life, moderation is the best option, and nothing on earth feels as good as the gentle rays of the sun warming our faces and bodies.