Within recent years, new technologies have allowed bamboo fibres to be used in many fashion and textile applications. Bamboo clothing is typically made of a organic cotton yarn or a mixture 100% bamboo. Bamboo can also be combined with other textile fibres like spandex and hemp. Almost all types of clothing are available in bamboo fabric and organic cotton.
When people think of organic clothing they typically have visions of “eco-warriors” and “tree huggers” wearing dowdy long skirts, hemp jumpers and sandals etc. But these stereotypes are far from the actuality of it. Today organic clothing manufacturers are making stylish and fashionable clothing from these materials that rival many of the top fashion brands, and many are designer brands unto themselves. So you can be eco conscious and still look amazing.
Organic fashion has become more available in high street stores, but it is still something of a unique commodity and it is much easier to find online with websites such as www.buyorganics.co.uk stocking a large range of styles for all the family.
So why not give organic clothing a style and feel better about yourself and feel safer knowing your skin is being cared for as well!
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