Organic Mattress lovers will be delighted to learn that their investment in getting a good nights sleep is well deserved as an article out today in a U.S newspaper warns us that lack of sleep can have serious side effects.
Getting the optimal level of sleep is essential to a persons mental and physical health. The ideal amount is 7 to 8 hours and not getting enough sleep can have serious effects to your health, your ability to concentrate, and minimize personal productivity due to fatigue. Resulting poor health may include signs of irritability, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, emotional mood swings, lack of concentration or hyperactivity.
If we followed our natural body clock, we would wake as the sun rises and sleep as it gets it darker in the evening, but our busy lifestyles mean that we sleep according to the tick tock clock our society follows instead.
Common ways to treat sleep disorders include sleep studies which help treat sleep aponea and snoring, whilst Mattresses and pillows play a big part in our sleep. If a mattress is too soft or too hard, a person will be unable to get comfortable.
Mattresses and linens need to allow body temperature to adjust. Having too many pillows can cause head position to obstruct a person's airway. Instead, pillows are a great way for assisting with propping of arms and legs to minimize body aches.
In this instance organic mattress lovers will appreciate how the natural pure fibres in an organic mattress will allow better temperature regulation than artificial fabrics.
Although mattresses and pillows are a source for allergens to hide, organic mattresses made with deep layers of organic wool will help repel allergens, as wool naturally repels dustmites. Treating the bed with a Neem spray can also help greatly. Bamboo and organic cotton sheets are also hypoallergenic without the need for chemically treated mattress covers.
Our U.S sleep expert also suggests parking your day before you go to bed by writing your worries and thoughts down before you go to bed, so that they're there for you to deal with in the morning rather than worry about all night!
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