Cancer is on the up everywhere you look. More and more of my closest loved ones are being diagnosed with this awful disease and I am keen to share some tips that I have picked up on how to avoid cancer as naturally as possible.
The Environmental Working Group recently found that children are born "pre-polluted" with nearly 300 industrial chemicals, pesticides and contaminants that have been found to cause cancer in lab studies or in people.
1. Filter your tap water: tap water can contain carcinogens such as arsenic, chromium, and chemical byproducts that form when water is disinfected. So invest in a reverse osmosis filter or a simple tap mounted carbon filter
2. Avoid Stain proofing and Non stick coatings such as Scotch guard and Teflon. These are often found in carpets, clothing, and packaged foods
3. Use natural cleaning products in the house and natural furnishings wherever possible such as natural mattresses. Regular furniture especially in the UK requires the use of heavy duty fire proofing chemicals
4. Prevent Sun Damage use a natural sunscreen, wear a hat, stay in the shade, and avoid over exposing yourself and especially protect young children
5. Reduce Diary and Fatty meats – pesticides, artificial hormones, dioxins, and PCB’s all accumulate in the diary and meats we eat. Where possible eat organic alternatives, soya milk is excellent as are lean organic meats and fish
6. Try and eat organic fruits and veg that is as close to locally grown as possible
7. Avoid unnecessary exposure to BPA: Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic oestrogen found in some hard plastic water bottles, canned infant formula, and canned foods. Some of these chemicals cause cancer in lab studies. To avoid them, eat fewer canned foods, breast feed your baby or use powdered formula, and choose bottles free of BPA.
8. Avoid toxins in your toiletries : when shopping buy natural skincare products that do not contain anything with PEG or ingredients ending in the letters – eth
9. Avoid drinking excess alcohol regularly
10. Take regular exercise and make time to relax. Change your mental attitude to a more positive one and reduce stress in your life NOW!
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