Friday 2 October 2009

A Mothers view of the Cervical Cancer Vaccine

I’m aware of the dangers, cervical cancer killed 941 women in the UK last year, but for me, this just isn’t the same as the other vaccinations that I have agreed for my children to have, it’s not a pandemic.

Even now in hindsight, my youngest daughter was slow in her speech development I wonder if the MMR vaccine was a good idea, but it’s done now, I can’t undo it. She also mildly had swine flu last month and survived it, so I don’t see the point of any of my family having the swine flu vaccination either, but maybe I’ll change my mind on the latter if things get more severe in London.

The cervical cancer vaccine however to me sounds totally unnecessary and I just don’t trust it. The vaccinations were dished out at my daughter’s school last year and I refused for her to have it. My daughter was initially alarmed but I promised her that when she got older if nothing had gone wrong with the vaccine programme, then I might consider it. Things like the Thalidomide drug come to mind! Sorry but they are using our kids as guinea pigs!

Cancer in general is on the up, it could be bowel cancer, or lung cancer or pancreatic cancer, are we going to vaccinate against all of these, how much mercury, and DNA and foreign bodies do we pump into ourselves in a futile attempt to stop the inevitable. It’s not natural. I love my daughters I don’t want anything to happen to them, but I do want that their years on this earth will be healthy, happy and unhindered by unwanted side-effects of the drugs pumped into them.

Instead the real issues should be addressed, such as cleanliness in farming in poorer countries; emphasis on organic farming opposed to increased use of pesticides and herbicides; removal of unhealthy additives in our foods; removal of harmful chemicals in our toiletries, cleaning products and home furnishings; reduction in the pollution of our environment which in turn pollutes our bodies; emphasis on education of our teenagers about sex, relationships, babies, diseases and loving themselves more!!! All these things are the roots causes of the illnesses and problems we are facing. Why are we not concerned with addressing the causes but instead insistent on masking the consequences?

I’m not a doctor, or a cancer expert, so please be aware that my thoughts are purely personal and in regards to my own girls for whom I’ll be dishing out organic tampons and pads, healthy diets, healthy hygiene and a healthy dose of self esteem.

Take up of the vaccine does of course depend on your vulnerability to cervical cancer. If for instance you are genetically predisposed to it or lifestyle factors put you in a high risk group then it would of course make the argument for taking it up a really positive one, if I was in that situation I think it would not be so easy for me to reject it.


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