Wednesday 27 February 2013

Food Additives That Increase Your Chances of Getting Cancer

Most of the supermarket shelves are packed with processed food, with a multitude of ingredients that you couldn't even pronounce. Well here's a list of 13 additives that leave you vulnerable to developing cancer. When I looked at the list i wondered how the hell I could avoid them and what is really safe to eat.......

Found in
Health Hazards
Coloring agents: blue 1, blue 2, yellow 5, and yellow 6
Cake, candy, macaroni and cheese, medicines, sport drinks, soda, pet food, and cheese
Most artificial colors are made from coal tar, which is a carcinogen
Olestra (aka Olean)
Fat-free potato chips
Depletion of fat-soluble vitamins and carotenoids. Side effects include oily anal leakage
Brominated vegetable oil (aka BVO)
Sports drinks and citrus-flavored sodas
Competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body, which can lead to hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The main ingredient, bromine, is a poisonous, corrosive chemical, linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss
Potassium bromate (aka brominated flour)
Rolls, wraps, flatbread, bread crumbs, and bagel chips
See bromine above. Associated with kidney and nervous system disorders, gastrointestinal discomfort
Breads, frozen dinners, boxed pasta mixes, and packaged baked goods
Linked to asthma
Cereal, nut mixes, gum, butter, meat, dehydrated potatoes, and beer
BHA may be a human carcinogen, a cancer-causing agent. BHT can cause organ system toxicity
Synthetic hormones: rBGH and rBST
Milk and dairy products
Linked to breast, colon, and prostate cancers
EPA classifies inorganic arsenic as a "human carcinogen"

The best way to avoid these ingredients is good old home cooked whole foods. Just a simple staple diet of unprocessed fruit, veg, grains, nuts, pulses, eggs and meats and healthy cooking techniques.

Information quoted from Dr Mercola-

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