Monday, 22 November 2010

Natural makeup may help women stay on trend this autumn

Natural makeup may be set to grow in popularity among Britons who want to ensure they remain stylish in the near future, after one expert revealed a number of key trends for autumn.

Writing for Helium, Anja Emerson noted a natural look is set to become extremely popular over the coming months, with ladies opting for nude colours and sheer shades.

She stated: "Don't be afraid to use light foundation or just a tinted moisturiser to achieve a flawless skin look and to complement it with light makeup."

In addition, Ms Emerson said bright lipstick is in vogue this autumn, as women are after plum, coral or red lips.

The specialist also observed how smoky eye makeup consisting of grey or dark blue shades is expected to rise in demand among fashion-conscious females.

And those eager to invest in some new cosmetic products may like to consider the natural makeup on offer at buyOrganics.

The items available at the retailer are free of harmful chemicals and include blushers, bronzers, foundation, eyeliners, concealers, lipstick and more.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Demand for natural nail polish to increase following 365-day challenge?

A year-long challenge set by one makeup lover could lead to an increase in popularity of natural nail polish among individuals around the world.

According to the Today Show, Melissa Osburn is attempting to paint her nails with 365 unique designs in 365 days, after ending up with "around 70 bottles" of varnish.

She stated she embarked upon the ambitious project in a bid to help her feel she has justified all of her many purchases.

The news source stated a multitude of people flocked onto the blogger's website since the scheme started last year, but Ms Osburn explained she is not surprised as the cosmetic product has numerous benefits.

"Nail polish is the ultimate accessory … it's cheap, easily accessible and always fits," she said.

And growing numbers of people could become inspired to invest in natural nail polish as a result of Ms Osburn's story.

Retailer buyOrganics stocks a wide range of Zoya nail polish collections, which are free of toxic chemicals such as Formaldehyde, Toluene and Dibutyl Phthalate.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Organic cotton bedding could be ideal for autumn refurb

Organic cotton bedding could give homeowners the chance to freshen up their bedroom this autumn, if comments from one expert are anything to go by.

In an article for Shelterpop, Amy Preiser wrote there are a number of different things people do to prepare themselves for the changing of the seasons and asked for readers' to share their ideas.

According to Kristin Tavrides from Bien Living Interior Design, she has two sets of differently-coloured bedroom items that she alternates between during summer and spring and autumn.

She said: "For the [autumn], they are deep reds and oranges, while spring and summer bring blues and whites."

Ms Tavrides went on to say it is "fun and refreshing" to change everything around once a year.

And those who want to implement the expert's idea may want to head to buyOrganics, which offers numerous collections of cotton linens, mattress protectors, duvets and throws

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

La Claree Product Review - Finland

At buyOrganics we appreciate that many of our customers are not English and actually come from as far as Denmark, Finland and even Japan and New Zealand. So we are happy to be able to provide this review of La Claree products for our Finnish fans courtesy of a great web blog that we recently came across that is dedicated to great beauty products.

So this is what Nea of Fashion in Finland thought of this great line of organic skincare

Oliv' by La Clarée ihonhoitosarja

Sain Oliv' -tuotteet testiin Attitude pesuaineden kanssa ja täytyy myöntää, etten merkistä etukäteen ihan hirmuisen kiinnostunut ollut. Taisin sekoittaa tämän johonkin muuhun samankuuloiseen merkkiin ja kiinnostukseni lisääntyi heti tuotteet nähdessäni :D Kyseessä on La Claréen Oliv'-sarja, joka Ranskassa valmistettu sekä Cosmebio ja Eco Cert sertifioitu. Tuotteet ovat todella tyylikkään näköiset ja aikuiseenkin makuun sopivat, sanoisin ekoselektiiviseksi sarjaksi. Tuoksut ovat ihanan miedot, ehkä tosiaan

For our English speaking fans roughly this means that she was impressed that the range is from France and Cosmobio and Ecocert certified organic, Nea thinks they look elegant and the scent is womderfully mild

La Clareée Oliv' eye and lip contour treatment.

"Tämä koostumukseltaan sulava ja raikas geeli sisältää runsaasti kosteuttavia ja kiinteyttäviä luonnon tehoaineita. Se imeytyy hetkessä ihoon ja silittää silminnähtävästi ryppyjä ja juonteita. Väsymyksen merkit häipyvät, ja iho näyttää kiinteämmältä. Kosteuttaa ihon ja suojaa sitä vapaita radikaaleja vastaan. Iho on jälleen heleä, pehmeä ja elinvoimainen."

Tuote on geelimäinen, "liukas" ja kevyt, silti hyvin kosteuttava. Tekee ihon ihanan pehmeäksi. Pakattu tuubiin, säilyy pidempään hyvänä kuin purkissa olevat. Äitinikin saattaisi tykätä tästä paljon, pitää antaa testiin jossain veiheessa :)

(roughly translated - This composition of a smooth and refreshing gel is rich in moisturizing and firming of natural active substances. It is absorbed instantly into the skin and smooth visible wrinkles and fine lines. Fatigue signs of fading, and the skin looks firmer. Hydrates the skin and protects it against free radicals. The skin is once again vibrant, soft and vibrant. "

This product is a gel, "slippery" and lightweight, yet very moisturizing. Makes the skin very soft. Tuubiin packaged, lasts longer than a good bottle at hand. My mother would like this a lot,)

La Clarée Oliv' Radiance face mask

"Tämä voidemainen naamio kuorii kuolleet ihosolut hellävaraisesti iholta ja imee itseensä toksiinit saaden ihon hengittämään paremmin ja tehden siitä taas pehmeän ja heleän."

Tämä kaoliinia ja hoitavia öljyjä sisältävä kasvonaamio oli erityisesti mieleeni. Tuote on sileä, eikä siis kuori mekaanisesti. Olen savinaamioita käyttänyt mutta tämä ei kuiva epämukavan tuntuiseksi kasvoilla ja iho on aivan ihanan pehmoinen käytön jälkeen. Tuotetta voi käyttää 1-2 kertaa viikossa 10 minuutin ajan. Tämä jää vakikäyttöön, ihana tuote!

(English translation- This creamy mask gently exfoliates dead skin cells from the skin and absorbs toxins, causing the skin to breathe better, and while making it soft and bright. "

This kaolin and treating oils containing the facial mask in particular was on my mind. The product is smooth, rather than shell mechanically. I've used a clay mask, but this does not feel uncomfortably dry on the face and the skin is just wonderfully soft after use. The product can be used 1-2 times a week for 10 minutes. This will vakikäyttöön, a wonderful product!)

La Clarée Oliv' Moisturizing face cream

"Tämä kasvovoide sisältää runsaasti luonnon antioksidanttisia tehoaineita. Se kosteuttaa ihon pitkäksi aikaa ja vahvistaa sen puolustusmekanismeja. Ihosta tulee jälleen heleä, pehmeä ja joustava."

Tätä olen testannut vasta kaulalla, ihonihan on niin herkkä etten uskalla kokeilla kuin yhtä tuotetta 2 viikkoon, mielummin kuukauteen. Näin saan helpommin selville, mikä tuote/ ainesosa ei mahdollisesti sovi. Pehmentää ihoa selvästi ja iho tuntuu todella pehmoiselta. Tuubipakkauksesta myös plussaa!

(This face cream is rich in natural antioxidant substances. It moisturizes the skin for a long time and strengthen its defenses. The skin becomes vibrant again, soft and flexible. "

I tested this only in the neck, as my skin is pretty sensitive this helps me more easily find out which product / component may not be suitable. I found this softens the skin , makes it clear and your skin will feel really really soft. Tuubipakkauksesta also a plus)

La Clarée Oliv' Gentle Cleansing Milk

"Tämä sametinpehmeä puhdistusmaito sisältää runsaasti rauhoittavia ja antioksidanttisia kasviperäisiä tehoaineita. Se poistaa iholta hellävaraisesti meikin ja epäpuhtaudet säilyttäen ihon oman suojakalvon. Ihosta tulee jälleen joustava, pehmeä ja puhdas sekä entistä heleämpi. Seuraavaksi se on valmis vastaanottamaan päivittäisen hoitovoiteen."

Tuote on voidemainen ja pehmoinen, pakattu pumppupulloon. Olen käyttänyt tätä meikkien puhdistukseen ennen puhdistusgeeliä ja siinä on toiminut hyvin. En tosiaan ole puhdistusmaitoja käyttänyt vuosikymmeneen eli kovin paljoa en osa tästä sanoa :D Mutta lirua ei todellakaan ole ja pakkaus on näppärä!

Pidin sarjasta ja suosittelen sarjaa varsinkin iäkkäämmille sukulaisilleni! Iäkkäämmille siksi, että sukulaiseni ovat joko erittäin nuoria tai selvästi minua vanhempia ;D

(Roughly translated This velvety cleansing milk is rich and soothing and antioxidant properties of plant origin active substances. It gently removes makeup and skin impurities while maintaining skin's own protective membrane. The skin becomes smooth again, soft and pure, and more heleämpi. Next, it is ready to receive a daily hoitovoiteen. "

The product is creamy and soft, packed pump bottle. I used this makeup cleansing gel to clean before and it has worked well. The packaging is clever!
I liked the series and I recommend the series, especially older relatives! Seniors

Thanks Nea, I know you didn’t do this review for us, but its great to see what people independent from us think of the line!!! It is a great line for aged 28 upwards, I wouldn’t count myself as a Senior though , and I love it! :D

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Natural skincare products may help reduce reddening

Natural skincare products could be ideal for people with sensitive skin who are worried about their body reddening, following comments from one expert.

Speaking to Teen Vogue, New York-based dermatologist David Bank explained such skin needs to be looked after with the help of specially-formulated products that will soothe the surface of the body.

This, he stated, is because sensitive skin is often very delicate, with fine pores that react quickly to things like temperature changes.

Those wanting to take good care of their vulnerable complexion may like to invest in natural skincare products available at buyOrganics.

The retailer stocks a wide range of items that do not contain any nano-refined ingredients, petroleum-based oils, fragrances or colours and leave "your skin soft, supple and moisturised … naturally".

In addition, the company's collection of organic makeup may come in handy for those who want to cover up the reddening of the skin frequently experienced.

Neal Schultz, founder of, states individuals wanting to do so should opt for concealers "with a yellow or green tint".

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Stop The Whaling Ban Being Lifted!

For all you nature lovers, you will be concerned to know that a ban against whaling has been in place for the past 24 years, however, on the 21st June Agadir, Morocco the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will begin the process of voting on whether to lift the ban and potentially open the floodgates to whaling across the globe once again.

Please can you all have a look at this video we've developed with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation society to raise awareness of this issue; YouTube - DON'T LET THEM LIFT THE WHALING BAN.
Please help! Show your support by spreading the word and supporting the cause. The petition is here

Monday, 1 November 2010

Expert dermatologist tips to naturally protect your skin from aging

A recent article on interestingly pointed out some great tips on how to improve your skins appearance and deter aging through easy steps. Although fillers and the like tend to be the first call at the appearance of a wrinkle for those with superfluous funds, many others would prefer a more natural solution to anti aging than injections in the face.

It is true that everyone has a different tolerance level for the onset of aging. But most of us, at some point, will glance into the bathroom mirror and think, “Is there something more I should be doing to slow down the inevitable?
Dr. Kathy Fields, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California at San Francisco reassures us that “It’s not vain to want to look your best, whatever that means to you,”
Fields and her partner, Dr. Katie Rodan, an adjunct clinical associate professor of dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine, are the authors of “Write Your Skin A Prescription for Change,” this latest blockbuster is an Amazon best-seller that cleverly blends medical advice, anatomy lessons and beauty tips and into a fashion mag style must have text.
They are not 20 something preaching to those of us who are tackling these issues either, they are in fact 55 and 52 respectively and look a decade younger than they are, they swear to never having had plastic surgery.
“Eighty percent of how we age has nothing to do with genetics,” Rodan said.
“That’s the good news,” Fields continued. “The bad news is that it’s our habits, the things we do and don’t do, that can make a difference.”
Over breakfast (egg-white omelets, with spinach, no cheese) they shared the following advice for improving your skin’s appearance at any age, including tips that even those who swear off everything but the most basic soap-and-water regimen might be willing to try.

1. Sleep on your back“Want one of the best beauty secrets that’s completely free? Sleep on your back,” Fields said.
“We can look at our patients and determine exactly how they sleep,” Rodan said. If you sleep on your side or on your stomach, your body weight and gravity can etch lines into your face. “A line between your nose and your mouth will become deeper over time, or you can develop a crease that doesn’t naturally exist,” she said. “When you’re young, your skin bounces back and those creases go away during the day. But when you start to age, you start to see them deepening and lasting.
The bottom layer of skin consists of fat cells and deeper hair follicles, Fields said. This is actually fat you want. It gives skin that full, cushiony softness we love — think pinchable baby cheeks. “As we get older,” she said, “we tend to lose that natural fat pad and collagen support. The skin no longer bounces back.”
For many of us, falling asleep is hard enough without messing with our preferred positions. So how do you change your habit? Fields recommends trying a contoured pillow. “It’s not good for snoring, but it’s good for the face.”

2. Exfoliate daily

“Exfoliation is something to live by, for all ages. You should do it once a day,” Fields said. “It promotes cell turnover; it encourages the natural sloughing off of the dead skin; it helps to unclog pores; it helps to get makeup out of pores; and it helps to make skin more light reflective. These are all very good things.”
It also helps the skin to soak up more of the active ingredients in your anti-aging creams, Rodan said.
The key is to be gentle. “We like round beads. We don’t like almond pits because they can scratch the skin. You don’t want anything jaggedy. If your skin is sensitive, you’ll want to make sure you use tiny little grains and very gentle pressure. Back off if you see irritation.” We love La Claree Oliv Face scrub treatment
Rodan also recommends using a roller fitted with tiny acupuncture needles — they sell one in their Rodan + Fields line — to break through the outer layer of the skin and allow the deeper penetration of anti-aging treatments. “With any topical treatment, some of the beneficial ingredients may get in but some don’t. With the roller, it breaks through the outer layer of skin, essentially opening the door for the uptake of these anti-aging ingredients,”

3. Even out your skin tone
that seems dull might be hiding a secret. Skin “As you get older, when you look at your face, you might see a little dark spot here and there on the surface,” Fields said. What you may not see with the naked eye is that, under the skin, is hidden spots.
That pigmentation can be “sun induced and hormone induced. And it makes your skin look dull and old,” Fields said.
“Think about a clear lake and a muddy lake,” Rodan said. “The muddy lake has a lot of sediment in the water, so the sunlight is scattered, not reflected, making it look murky. In the clear lake, light is reflected, making it look translucent.”
So what can you do about hidden pigmentation? It’s a four-step process: exfoliate, lighten, brighten and then protect from the sun.
“After you exfoliate, use hydroquinone (a lightener, this isn't very natural by the way and from my research can be quite dangerous, so in my books you may want to skip this step and go straight onto the vita min C serum). I don't think its safe but they say it is "and comes as an over-the-counter medication and as a prescription (2 percent concentration is over the counter, 4 percent is prescription strength),”

They recommend following the hydroquinone with brighteners, products that contain such things as vitamin C, plant extracts such as bearberry or licorice, or retinol or kojic acid. Use both treatments all over the face, not just on visible spots. We love John masters Vitamin C serum or John Masters Bearberry range
Rodan stresses that it’s easiest to find a treatment program that contains all of these steps. The goal is to even the skin tone.
“It’s the even tone that makes you look younger,” Rodan said. “Someone younger who has clear skin with just a little pigmentation may do this for a month or two. Someone in their 60s who has really accumulated a lot of this coloration under the surface may do it for six months, or until they see a brightening of the skin over all.”
But the last step is the most important: sun protection. “If do all this but don’t wear sunscreen,” Fields warned, “then you’re wasting your time.”

4. Avoid the sun
It's important to wear sunscreen — even indoors.
“UVA rays are around all day long, sun up to sundown, and they come right through windows,” Rodan said. “We see patients who commute on the freeway and their left side is more damaged than their right, because they’re getting too much sun through the car windows.”
The key is to ensure you’re wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA, the rays that cause wrinkles, sagging, dark spots and skin cancer, as well as UVB, the rays that cause burns.
Rodan advises patients to flip their sunscreen bottles over and scan the labels for zinc oxide, avobenzone or mexoryl as active ingredients. We love John Masters organic sunscreen with zinc oxideAlso, you should reapply during the day, which can be impractical for women wearing makeup. “A great way to touch up over makeup is to use one of the minerals powders. Many have zinc in them.” We love Inika.

5. Leave those pimples alone
Leave spots on your face alone. “You’re not going to make it go away any faster, and you’re going to injure the skin,” Rodan said.
“It’s genetics; it’s hormones; it’s stress, unfortunately,” Rodan said.
If you’re a woman prone to a break out every month, then start marking your acne treatments on your calendar.
“Treat with your medications a week before your period, and it probably won’t happen,” she said. “You don’t want to wait until you see that first pimple to start. You want to prevent it.”

For all you natural skin care anti aging products buyOrganics has carefully picked the products with the most active and beneficial ingredients that really work.