Friday, 29 June 2012
Is your Partner Fed Up Of You Being Crabby In The Morning?
If you’re anything like me, the morning always comes too soon! There are those like my husband who jump out of bed in the morning full of energy ready to go for a mile long run, and there are people like me who just can’t open their eyes!!
I am after all, an Organic Pillow lover and so I love my bed! It can be quite disconcerting if you are up and ready and your partner just won’t budge! “What a waste of the day” he thinks! “Let me sleep” she thinks!! Disputes like this can lead to very irritated weekends.
According to sleep researcher and Sleep for Success CEO James B. Mass, sleep cycles are genetically determined, and women are more likely than men to be larks. Although this is not the case in my house, James says "You can't blame a person, it's not environmental," "owls," function better at night, have a body temperature that doesn't begin to rise until later in the morning.
In my quest to try and become a morning person is there anything I can do? James says “Yes, but it's not easy”. It helps to be exposed to daylight immediately after getting up. Take a 15-minute walk, or get an FDA-approved light for indoor use, he suggested. “Walk I say!!! I can barely drink my tea, without drooling!”
As long as you and your partner remain in different time zones, the best you can do is learn to understand and respect each other's nature. "It's important to work this out because it's how your day starts and you don't want to be irritated every single morning," said Suzanne Berman, a psychotherapist in private practice in Fair Lawn, N.J., who has worked with couples for more than 25 years. She offered the following tips for couples:
• Communicate with each other: Don't expect your partner to guess what you need or what you're feeling about your morning dynamics.
• Make each other your priority: "If your behaviour is continuously irritating the other person, the statement you're making is that you don't care about their needs," Berman said. This might mean not being able to make that morning phone call while your husband is still sleeping, for instance, but it's important to realize that seemingly-small acts build up over time and can cause resentment and create distance between partners.
• Learn to Compromise: If you want the alarm set for 6:40 a.m. so you can sleep as long as possible, but he wants it at 6 a.m. to have extra time to wake up, try setting it for 6:20. "The couple needs to work something out so that both people feel their needs in the morning are being respected," she said.
• Have realistic expectations: "If your husband isn't going to make it to the breakfast table, maybe you need to stop making his breakfast," Berman suggested. And stop trying to have that deep conversation in the morning. "Don't keep pushing your own agenda. That won't get you anywhere; you’re wanting something your partner can't give you."
• Except Reality: "People are who they are, with their habits and routines," Berman said. The notion that 'If you loved me, you'd change,' is fantasy. Instead, tune into what your partner is telling you about themselves, and take that seriously.
• Accept Each Other As You Are: Accept that you are two separate individuals: "You're a couple, but you're not the same person," Berman said. "It's hard for couples to accept this, especially women.
I can happily say that me and mine have overcome these morning issues and we understand each other’s morning routine now (most of the time ;) !)
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Enhancing Your Memory While You Sleep
Organic Futon lovers will be interested to learn that researchers at the North western University have found evidence that existing memories may be reactivated and enhanced whilst you sleep.
The study concentrates mainly on the learning of a musical instrument but has implications for a vast amount of other experiences that we have every day.
The study took 2 groups of participants and taught them how to play 2 different musical tunes. The participants then took a 90-minute nap. During this time, researchers played one of the tunes that had been practiced as they slept.
Using electroencephalography (EEG) methods to record the brain's electrical activity, the researchers ensured the soft musical ‘cues’ were played to participants during ‘slow-wave sleep’ (a stage of sleep previously linked to cementing memories). These are also known as Delta waves.
When the participants woke up and resumed their instrument practice, researchers noted fewer errors were made when volunteers practised the melody they had heard while sleeping.
This may be good news for people who love to listen to positive affirmations as they get their healthy sleep!!
healthy sleep,
organic futon,
organic mattress
Monday, 25 June 2012
Simple Techniques to Switch off Your Stress Autopilot!
Organic futon lovers will be well aware of the need to weave peace and wellbeing into their lifestyle in order to achieve optimal health, but more often than not, our busy lifestyles result in us travelling on autopilot, speeding up and never putting on the brakes on until our engine burns out. A fascinating article I read today by M.D Gayatri Devi highlighted the importance of applying the brakes now and agin in order to give our body a rest. She suggests that by activating our Vagus nerve, we do just that, they are like the brakes of our body that we forget to use. So her top tips are:
• Uni-task instead of multi-tasking, take the dog out for a walk and leave
your phone at home for example
• Meditate every day
• Get a good nights sleep
• Touch activates the vagus nerve, so hugging is good for you!
For more information on leading a calmer life, read her book A Calm Brain available at Amazon books
de stressing,
natural futon,
organic futon,
zen living
Friday, 22 June 2012
Space Saving Organic Beds

Thursday, 21 June 2012
The Health Benefits of an Organic Futon

Friday, 8 June 2012
Are There Flame Retardants in Your Sandwiches?

Thursday, 7 June 2012
Sleeping On A Wire!!
Organic mattress lovers will be grateful for their comfy beds when they see how Adrenaline junkie Brian Mosbaugh chose to sleep on a high wire 2000ft up in the air!!
Either its complete madness or stunning bravery!! but i don;t really think he was sleeping, do you!?
view the image at
healthy sleep,
organic mattress,
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Conventional Mattress

Saturday, 2 June 2012
Diamond Jubilee Organic Mattress Offers
In celebration of The Queen's 60th year of reign buyOrganics is offering some fabulous bonuses and discounts to mark the occasion!
For all our special offers check out our website today!
Making us proud to be British!
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