Pregnancy can raise many pains ranging from
back pain to leg and hip pain which can make sleeping and resting a nightmare.
If you’re lower back is stiff and lying on your side is painful, you maybe
resorting to sleeping on your back, which is not recommended as baby gets
A recent article in The Telegraph online
shared some helpful hints given by leading health and wellbeing experts on how
to cope.
The first advice came from Physiotherapist
Will Pressley, who said that hormonal changes in the body lead to softening of
ligaments which when coupled with a growing baby can increase pressure on your
back. Will suggested to be mindful of your working position in the day, such as
the position of your desk and chair, and to try gentle exercises such as
swimming. He also recommended avoiding sitting for long periods of time in the
Secondly, Fitness expert Christina Howells,
suggested strengthening your transversus abdominus muscles which will help
greatly. These exercises he said are safe to do during pregnancy. “Pull the lower abdominal muscles towards the
spine and hold for five to 10 seconds, breathing normally (engage these muscles
by scooping in your tummy as if zipping up tight jeans). Repeat five to 10
times a day.” He also recommends The child pose: which requires you to kneel on
the floor with legs slightly apart, then lean forwards until your forehead is
on the floor, arms outstretched.
Thirdly Yoga and Pilates instructor Angie
Newson suggests lying on your side with your knees bent, and placing a pillow
between your thighs and another pillow supporting the underside of your
“During my second pregnancy I found that a
great pillow to do this job was an organic pregnancy pillow, otherwise known as
a snake pillow or a sausage pillow, it can be moved and twisted in all
directions and can easily fit between your legs and extend to cradle your tummy
from below. Not only can it be used to support your legs and tummy, but also
your back, and after I had baby I used it to help breast feed after which it
ended up on my bed as a back support pillow, knowing it was organic and
chemical free just made it even better.” (Sonia Kalia-Sagoo)
Angie Newson also recommends a good stretch
to ease back pain is the cat stretch. For this you need to be on all fours,
align your hands under the shoulders and knees under hips. Round your lower
back by bringing your tailbone down and pulling your stomach in while nodding
the chin to your chest. Return to neutral alignment. Repeat five times.
So between a good supportive organic snake pillow,
some simple stretches and mindfulness in everyday activity, you may be able to
alleviate pain and avoid making it worse.